Well, the RNC has already said that they literally have no other platform this election than ‘get the president re-elected’, so yeah.
Well, the RNC has already said that they literally have no other platform this election than ‘get the president re-elected’, so yeah.
My thoughts exactly: it looks like a well-made piece with real attention to detail and some good performances, but the trailer makes me want to vomit. Partly because I already see enough of these people, and second because it seems like another attempt to canonize Comey.
I feel like it’s more “ fool me 23,472 times, shame on you. Fool me 23,473 times, well maybe I should just lower the bar a little...”
It’s the law of averages right? He’s due to become a better person any day now!
I dunno, I think if we re-elect him he will finally stop tweeting, listen to the adults in the room and truly become president.
That is bad enough, but can you just imagine the awful racist bile they must have received as messages to carve into those bricks? Half of that wall must be just ‘1488' and odes to that frog...
Do the parks actually make more money than the actual movies? Jesus.
Very true.
Being bad at trailer is one thing, not seeing pretty overt sexualization of minors is quite another...
On the plus side: JFK jr faked his own death to help bring down a global pedophile ring, from what I understand...
Looking at the state of his body, I think the more shirts the better..
That makes sense. It seems amazing that a company that got to be the size of Netflix could fall in the same kind of trap, but maybe those issues don’t crop up until after it achieves a certain level of success.
Gritfing off the wall which was itself a grift to win an election. We are in the age of the meta-grift.
I’m no expert in the subtleties of french, but I feel as if ‘mignon’/’mignonne’ is more literal doesn’t have the colloquial sense that ‘cute’ does towards adults. 'Cuties' has a certain suggestiveness that I dont think would translate directly.
I honestly would like an explainer article on the kind of groupthink in corporations that allows this sort of thing to get released. Like, one person may have overlooked the innapropriateness of it, but how many saw it before it was released? A dozen? More? Are people afraid of contradicting their superiors, or does a…
Twitter and other online communities do have the power to ruin lives, particularly when the target is an average person who doesn’t have the ability to defend/isolate themselves from the doxxing or harassment. In the case of celebrities getting called out for shitty behaviour, I have a harder time laying the…
Twitter is a cesspool, but does it really have the power to 'destroy' someone like Payne, other than calling attention to his shitty behavior?
I feel as though the first couple years of the internet for me was just looking up halfremebered theme songs and commercials
I know I’m four years late on this but since there’s an opening, jesus was HBO’s Vinyl terrible!!! I watched about half of the show on a 12-hour flight, first out of genuine interest and then out of morbid curiosity. The scene where they talk to Elvis...I just...what the fuck??
The scene where all the ‘Freaks’ discuss their post-high school plans after Lindsay ditches them to become a mathelete again was just gut-wrenching. You can see the reality hit each one of them, and feel the blame they put on themselves even as you know that a part of it just seems inevitable.