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Cody’s Showdy has been putting out some great videos this year, and one of my favorites was him taking apart Krasinski’s show:

Wow what a pile of shit this thread is!

Cody’s Showdy is, for my money, the best political show out there. I love Oliver and Meyers, but Some More News has been crushing it all year.

I think both of you are really being unfair in this situation. FKA Twigs starred with Shia in the movie about this abusive childhood and alcoholism. She probably thought he has overcome his demons and was involved in this very intense movie. I’m sure they bonded very quickly and deeply than normal while making the film

My sister is a pharmacist but if I gave out drugs I’d be arrested.

You kind of lost me when you said you didn’t finish the Wire or go beyond one episode of Breaking Bad. How can we trust your taste when you abandoned two of the greatest shows in television history?

We don’t need another slogan for police reform or accountability. We already have one. And it’s a great one. It covers not only police reform, but a host of other reforms that are needed, not just for people of color, but everyone who isn’t really, really rich.

“He was my father…not in life…but in Indy 3
Thanks for clearing that up, Harrison!

I seem to recall her taking numerous unprompted opportunities to tell us all that she has a doctorate, so maybe she can cure herself?

Yet another person who doesn’t understand that organizations have a wall between marketing/advertising and editorial/journalism. These people do not interact with each other in an organizational capacity. In so far as marketing/advertising deems it necessary to keep the lights on, it doesn’t have shit all to do with

I’m always amazed that so many people don’t understand that the writers do not own the websites and thus have no power over which marketing is used.

Hell, the power that we give them!

... In fact, Amazon only represents 4% of U.S. retail sales,”

This is why Democrats lose. See also: Biden considering Republicans for Cabinet positions. Which Cabinet positions are Democrats in under Trump who had an underwhelming mandate of losing the popular vote and winning the decisive states in the EC by <1% each?

I’m am always amazed at old school Democrats’ unwillingness to fight for the things that they supposedly support. They are, and have been for decades, a bunch of milquetoast wimps who would rather appease than fight. 

Does no one remember this from like 3 months ago? Back before we learned that Trump just confessed this shit to Bob Woodward while being knowingly recorded?

Most troubling of all, perhaps, was a sentiment the expert said a member of Kushner’s team expressed: that because the virus had hit blue states hardest, a

More Than 1,000 CDC Officials Ask: Why Bench the CDC During a Pandemic?

“We’ll send them stupid cronies,