
It really is, and even more so when you think that it’s only going to grow as more people move to online shopping. Its honestly terrifying to think of the power they have. 

One 2020 report of the major e-commerce companies found that close to 39% of all online sales happened under Amazon’s watch. Its biggest competitor was Walmart, which controlled a little more than 5%”

“All work and no play makes Don a dull boy...”

“But it’s always, always worse.”

So the right wing complains about a vast secret conspiracy to silence their uninformed ramblings and Facebook responds with a sloppy fix that penalizes fact-based news? Yep, that sounds right.

TBF he did let Hillary speak occasionally in 2016. Back then I managed to watch a whole 30 minutes. This time around I made it 30 seconds before shutting it off and getting  a drink...

And $500,000 of that income came from raising the price of Revlimid for no apparent reason other than, well, they could.”

grifting is work...

I hope at checkout time a big bald man comes to you room and...

Certainly simplifies his job: instead of worrying about ‘policies’ and ‘platforms’ he can just stuff any white yoyo in a red cap and teach then to scream “ALL LIVES MATTER!”

So her restaurant is essentially Hooters for ammosexuals, then? Gotta say, a good grift. 

Prager U is going to open a whole new faculty just to deal with this.

you can call me Jay, or you can call me R-oooooOOO GOD IM CUMMING!!

E! would like to announce that the Kardashians have gone to live on a beautiful farm upstate... 

He might be weighing it against potential legal bills if he loses in November...

I knew a girl in grad school who was a compulsive liar. Like all the time, and for things that were easily verified. We all just kinda learned to live with it.

Tump considering reasons not to join Covax...

Lucky celebrities...
