
“All work and no play makes Don a dull boy...”

TBF he did let Hillary speak occasionally in 2016. Back then I managed to watch a whole 30 minutes. This time around I made it 30 seconds before shutting it off and getting  a drink...

And $500,000 of that income came from raising the price of Revlimid for no apparent reason other than, well, they could.”

grifting is work...

I hope at checkout time a big bald man comes to you room and...

Certainly simplifies his job: instead of worrying about ‘policies’ and ‘platforms’ he can just stuff any white yoyo in a red cap and teach then to scream “ALL LIVES MATTER!”

So her restaurant is essentially Hooters for ammosexuals, then? Gotta say, a good grift. 

Prager U is going to open a whole new faculty just to deal with this.

you can call me Jay, or you can call me R-oooooOOO GOD IM CUMMING!!

E! would like to announce that the Kardashians have gone to live on a beautiful farm upstate... 

He might be weighing it against potential legal bills if he loses in November...

I knew a girl in grad school who was a compulsive liar. Like all the time, and for things that were easily verified. We all just kinda learned to live with it.

Lucky celebrities...


I don’t even want to make any 2020 comments anymore, because I feel like we’re just tempting 2021.

Were we all making ‘2019 is the worst year ever!’ jokes last year? I want to check but I’m scared. 

It’s almost a cliche at this point but republican speeches like the one Kudlow gave make me genuinely question my own sanity. Like, not in a ‘these-guys-drive-me-crazy’ kind of way, but in a kind of ‘is-it-possible-everything-and-everyone-I-know-is wrong’ way.

I think once you get swollen pockets and a swollen head, suddenly the party of no taxes and no apologies starts to look good. 

Whaley got off easy...

She is just power-hungry, through and through. If her team loses in November, you can expect her to dump Don Jr within 24 hours and re-invent herself in two weeks