
“I write the answers. My lawyers don’t write answers. I write answers. I was asked a series of questions. I’ve answered them very easily — very easily. I’m sure they’re tripped up, because you know they like to catch people.‘Gee, was the weather sunny or rainy? He said it may have been a good day. It was rainy.

Presumably working on their next think-piece for the Times...

Unfortunately, while Trump may be most visible asshole in the federal government, he is not the only one.

Isn’t this the American President who’s biggest pals are the leaders Russia and Japan..?

I’d also find it more believable if he hadn’t skipped a visit to Arlington the very next day...

pretty sure that Trump was planning this for a while, appearances and consequences be damned. He *really* hates Sessions.

Nancy Pelosi said some more bullshit about “bipartisanship” and “common ground” today.

Considering how close a race it’s supposed to be, I wonder if it would meet that criteria.

I wouldn’t expect that the judge would be able to award votes or an entire election to a candidate in a case like that, but if there were enough irregularities could the results be nullified and (ugh) call a new election?

At least they managed to stop that huge wave of voter fraud my illegal immigrants organized by Soros.

ah, gotcha. Thanks!

Also: holy shit, that is sketchy. 

If Kemp manages to win by a tiny margin, is there any legal avenue to challenge the legitimacy of the election? Cuz it sounds like a *lot* of people who were going to vote for Abrams did not get a chance to.

I think I agree with you, but for the life of me I cannot parse that sentence

almost as if he doesn’t know what the terms mean at all...

hope for the best, prepare for the worst, and brace yourself to do it all again in two years, except even more so.

NBC, Fox, and Facebook will stop running that racist Trump ad.

He declares victory when he manages to get his pants on in the morning. No matter what the result, all the good stuff will be because of him and everyone else goes right under the bus...

The sad thing is that this only seems to move in one direction. The stuff he’s saying today feels like it’s so much worse stuff he was saying a month ago. And that already felt as so much worse than a month before that.

Don’t throw your trash into the sea.

the late-night comedians