
The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a two three good guys with a guns

Just spitballing here, but I’m guessing that the usual voices from the other side will say that it is actually the media and the democrats that are creating this toxic and partisan environment by criticizing the president, and not the other way around.

Well, they don’t have much else to run on: even their base seems to think that healthcare for all is a good idea and giant tax cuts for the rich don’t do shit. So, racist fear-mongering it is.

in completely unrelated news from yesterday...

Remember the other day when he said he would always capitalize ‘Country’ when referring to the USA, because it was the best one in the world? Well...

the sad thing is we can’t make jokes like that anymore because they all come true :(

Well they were kinda asking for it, what with all the secret corruption and the trying to make america bad again. 

I’m guessing in your universe the President is totally into secure methods of communications, huh?

Just imagining the puppet show they must have had to put on to keep his attention...

Today: Trump pretended like he was concerned about all those bomb threats today

Don’t worry: the president is committed to protecting you from the menace of people making personal life choices that affects literally no-one else.

Saudi officials are now saying that the team they hired were supposed to hold him captive in a Turkish safe house until they convinced him to return to Saudi Arabia

never leave home without it...!

the return of the invisible accordion... this? Is this the actual briefing sheet that he got this morning on his desk? Is it formatted to look like a 1980's hardware store flier on purpose? Did he like it so much he just took a picture of the actual paper sheet and tweet it out?

Is this real life...?

That story makes complete sense, aside from the fact that they dismembered the body after the ‘fight’ with a bonesaw they brought along special for the occasion.

I have the same vision, except in mine they shit their own pants and then yell “LOOK WHAT YOU MADE ME DO!”

The whole (alleged?) quote would be hilarious if it weren’t so awful:

/googles Mark Theissen/