still not collusion. he could owe putin millions of dollars personally, but if there’s no tape of him saying yes to direct Russian aid in defrauding an election, it’s a no go.
still not collusion. he could owe putin millions of dollars personally, but if there’s no tape of him saying yes to direct Russian aid in defrauding an election, it’s a no go.
because you don’t believe it will play out like that, or because it’s too awful to contemplate. Because I completely understand the latter.
Ironically, ‘cockburn’ is the medical term for the result of too much furry Sasquatch love...
Like all libertarians, eventually he just follows his rational self-interest...
ugh, that was too real. This in particular, I think, is worth remembering:
A Virginia GOP candidate who campaigned with white supremacists is allegedly a “devotee of Bigfoot erotica,” according to running Democratic candidate Leslie Cockburn.
...but if we just slash the tax rate for top earners a little bit more, that trickle down we’ve been promised will finally happen!!
interesting to try to match the bumps in the curve up to policies. for eg, that rise starting around 2003 is the time of Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act, which...
sounding better all the time..!
eta: deleted original comment, shouldn’t go there.
I’ll just say that Putin is definitely in the driver’s seat.
“She also gets to pick out her outfits every day and go to bed as late as she wants. She’s a big girl!”
Melania’s spokesperson says the First Lady watches “any channel she wants.”
Sorry, by ‘genuine’ I meant ‘non-sarcastic’, not an actual person..! a room of nervous laughter.
“They make up stories without any proof! How can they do that to the man who single-handedly denuclearized North Korea, brought NATO spending up to 4% and is definitely building a physical wall on the mexican border at this very moment!?”
No doubt, but if things really go badly for them in 2020, the anti-Trumpists in the party might be emboldened enough to start drawing some lines in the sand. Without a strong, capable leader of holding them together, shit could go sideways pretty fast.