
On the off chance that two conservative parties manage to survive a split, is the US really in a position to transition to a more-than-two-party state? Could be a rocky ride...

Problem is, ‘they’ are increasingly the true believers. Old school republicans are retiring and new ones taking their place dont just pay lip service to that kind of thinking.Whatever happens in 2020, the 'white wing' isn't going anywhere.

I really wonder what the long-term effects of these people getting their foot firmly in the door of the Republican party are going to be. I don’t see the out-and-out white supremacist wing of the party really disappearing any time soon, but what happens when Trump is gone? Do they keep going right? Is there a

These are the same assholes who showed up in Ferguson with assault rifles to intimidate protesters. Their only loyalty is to their white-supremacist ideology. 

Oh, I’m sure you were very polite to the money, Don...

“I’d like to say I’m shocked but this is the world in which we live now.”

anyhow, I think tomorrow’s Daily News cover just about, uh, covers it...

That is horrible, but what really impresses me is how Trump manages to fuck up every business he gets his tiny hands on. I feel like phrase‘lost money on a golf course in Scotland’ should be the opposite of ‘could sell ice to Eskimos’...

I’m sure he meant to say “I have GREAT confidence in MY intelligence, people”

if only someone was building tiny submarines to change the pipes in Flint...

But...the United States is a...


Fuck: KFC! That was what was missing from the Trump signature odor!

Another late night turned to early morning as I waited, parked on the side of the avenue. Suddenly, the door slammed shut and the familiar smell of Brut and urine started to permeate the car...

Or is he just making shit up again

I love how Trump thinks that NATO is whole separate entity from the countries that make it up, like there’s a whole NATO army on a gigantic barge in the North Atlantic, and that the US is paying 90% of their salaries.

That is some real dictator-style paranoia right there. No wonder he admires Kim -Jong Un so much: he surely has his own execution wishlist...

In theory yes. In practice, interpretation of law involves some independent thought (unless you’re the type who thinks that the only book required for interpreting the constitution is a dictionary) 

I guarantee you right now there is an aide pleading with the president no to go ahead with his idea of a Mark Burnett-produced America’s Next Top Jurist! this fall on Fox...

Oh I remember those...

Just to be clear, I don’t think that him quitting (now or in 2020) is the likeliest scenario, just one to wish for. I mean, I think? I can’t even tell what the worst option is anymore...