Haven’t you heard? Russia is good now, Putin is a real cool dude and Canadian milk is public enemy #1.
Haven’t you heard? Russia is good now, Putin is a real cool dude and Canadian milk is public enemy #1.
Seriously, though: can we get him to take Trump’s spot as lead US negotiator? I’d just feel so much better about it...
So much projection. Trump didn’t say boo at the meeting then immediately did a press conference (before Trudeau did his) bashing Canada, then fully unleashed via twitter once he was safe and sound back on Air Force One. Meanwhile, Trudeau has been saying the same thing for a week (the tariffs are unfair, we shouldn’t…
And Trump wonders why we Canadians want to grow our own food...
I hate Doug Ford with a fiery passion, but I honestly think too much is made of him selling hash back in the day.
Also Rob was never just ignorant, he was a piece of shit just like his brother.
I’d bet an ounce that this was done solely to piss off Jeff ‘good people don’t smoke marijuana’ Sessions.
It’s funny, usually what people are saying is very complimentary to President Trump and very dismissive of Hillary and Obama. People must be having an off day.
That bastard, using fancy legal terms like “matter”. In real America, that’s a verb, not a noun, you liberal elite!
“Didn’t you guys burn down the White House?” said Trump, reportedly.
I never really bought the argument that George was just a bumpkin puppet of Cheney and co. He knew what was going on.
And as shitty as Trump is, I don’t think he yet has 180 000+ bodies to his name.
And he did it, in large part, by becoming them.
I still don’t get that. While he’s certainly more abrasive, I think Don still has a way to go to catch up to Dubya in the awful president department.
I’d certainly believe that. But I’d also believe that Trump is also the kind of guy who talks big but actually hates confrontation
I’m starting to think that the only reason anyone looks back fondly on the Clinton presidency these days is because of the presidencies since then...
/pulls out pencil and pad/
Let’s see, 169 out of 292,000...carry the 4...aaaaaaaaand yep, he’s fucked.
Seriously though, nearly 300,000 documents and non of them strictly legal? Just how many ‘Stormies’ are there out there?
Trump’s continuous public bashing of his own AG has got to be one of the weirdest aspects of his Presidency. He bitches and moans about it every day as if he didn’t have the power to replace him whenever he wanted.
He’s like that dude who constantly complains about his girlfriend but is too chickenshit to ever break…
vote vote vote vote vote vote....
Le’s just hope it’s not six more *years* of winter...