
I still have no idea why people don’t just nuke their accounts from orbit if they’re going to be in politics or anything else public facing.

Can viruses catch viruses? Just wondering lol

....I’d be in prison if it was my kid. I’m gonna leave it at that. The disrespect towards Black people is utterly disgusting. How the fuck do you mix up two completely different looking teenagers WHEN YOU HAVE PICTURES OF BOTH OF THEM?

This type of shit is the exact reason that jobs are so paranoid about their workers talking about how much money they make. Not only have I seen and experienced the same thing, I’ve also seen how hesitant most people are to ask for more money when they’re asked to do more work.

Who needs enemies when you have “allies” like these?

God damn lol

Bruh, it took a 30 year hate campaign, voter suppression and Russian interference to keep Hillary Clinton out of the white house. And it only kept her out by a few thousand votes in a few states in a country of over a hundred million eligible voters. Is it still Hillary and her campaign’s faults? Absolutely.

Personally, I know to expect brain worms Joe. I expect crime bill Joe. I expect woman harassing Joe. I expect Strom Thurmond’s BFF Joe. Etc. Joe Biden is a White man, and I expect White man shit out of Joe.

To the people who skipped the article just to come start shit in the comments, go somewhere else with your bullshit.

Even if by a miracle, either candidate could overcome voter suppression, Russian interference and a general antipathy towards both candidates in order to win and underestimating White people in this upcoming election is definitely going to result in that dumb ass getting another 4 years.

Ho, you think I’m a Bernie supporter? 😂😂😂

My favorite part is how his supporters want to blame a few blog posts on The Root for supposedly tanking his campaign 😂😂😂

Also, the Jesus described in the bible would be in the back of that line 😂

You know I agree 100% with you.

It’s gonna be wild to see who gets trotted out against president dumb ass for the general, but I have a horrible feeling it’s going to be Biden. Seeing two racist idiots with brain worms argue at the debates will be the Kang vs Kodos that America deserves 😩😫

Now playing

Even though most White liberals on YouTube irk the fuck out of me, one of them did a pretty good breakdown of why The Bell Curve is trash. That racist ass piece of “literature” is usually the starting point for the run of the mill “scyiunce sez nigros r dum” trolls that we get around here.

I think all of the scores were entirely too generous, but otherwise, a great article. Is Tulsi even still running?

I feel the same way. Putting bandaids on chainsaw wounds is how we ended up here. America has been one giant experiment in “how can we take the extreme position on everything sensible?” and the answer has continually been suffering and chaos.

That’s the problem. The only people with the money and infrastructure to fix the problem are the ones who benefit from the problem existing. White supremacy hurts everyone, but it definitely has financial incentives for White people to allow it to continue, same as any other caste system.

White people need to talk about their aggrieved entitlement problems, because it’s responsible for their psychopathic worldview and their virulent racism. Not only is it ingrained in their culture, but it’s actively encouraged through the way they raise their children.