
This exact same problem exists if the URL that your glorified JSON file is associated with gets broken lmao. NFTs (and cryptocurrency in general) are a gigantic environmentally destructive scam being perpetuated by people who fundamentally do not understand the technology that they are peddling.

I would have guessed Winston 😂😂😂

If they continue to pretend we’re the problem with America (or insert country here), the longer they can avoid looking in the mirror and realizing that they are their own worst enemies. It’s not our fault that they have inferiority complexes that they project onto us lol.

Hope everything has been good for you too :)

I still maintain that the people terrified of wearing masks must have shit breath or something. Same for the motherfuckers who can’t seem to keep their mask over their fucking noses.

That’s some newspeak shit taken to the next level. How the fuck does one “suspect” someone of resisting arrest? Either you did or you didn’t. And even then, anything could be classified as “resisting arrest”. All of this ambiguous fuckery needs to be abolished.

Most legal issues come down to what you can prove in a court of law and how good your legal team is, which means that companies are naturally going to have an advantage over individual creatives.

I wasn’t talking about trade secrets, but uh... cool off ramp, I guess. If you’re fine with not being credited or compensated for things that you came up with on your own time, that’s your deal. Most workers in the game industry are on contract, not salaried, but it depends on the job. If you’re lucky, that means that

A quick thought experiment for you.


It’s not my job as a Black man to teach racist motherfuckers how not to be fucking racist lol. Y’all love putting the onus back on us like we did something wrong. Fix your own shit.

Not there being dozens of posts excusing the behavior of a grown ass White male supremacist 😂😂😂

I came back from the abyss just to second you on this.

The actual problem is that racists, sexists, homophobes, etc. have no problem getting hired by companies and then they only hire people that they don’t have biases against. This is one of the reasons that most AAA studios look like Klan rallies. I’ve worked all over the industry and I’ve seen the same thing

To all of you with similar responses: That’s my point though.

Wait til ya’ll find out that most of the AAA games that you buy and enjoy every year are worked on by all sorts of White supremacists and misogynists lol. This guy isn’t an anomaly by any means.

Jesus fucking Christ.

They love their toxic ass fanbase, to be honest. The uncritical praise and psychotic fervor that these “fans” have for products makes them better consumers. They’ll defend any horrible shit that the company does, try to shout down any naysayers, and buy the $300 collectors editions and/or thousands of dollars of DLC

Thank you for writing this Ash. I’m a Black game developer who has been in AAA for a long time, and I can definitively say that this problem will not be fixed by game companies because they have all of the same issues with White supremacy that their communities have.

I mean, we’re definitely going to have a repeat of 2012. Biden is assuredly going to do his best to fuck up during the next two years, piss off Democratic voters and cause them to stay home in 2022. The insane, cultist Nazis that we’re going to get running for congress are going to be so unhinged that they’ll make the