
I’m firmly convinced that every single Black person who voted for Trump either has mild brain damage, rooted for Stephen and the slave masters in Django Unchained, or has un-ironically said “I’m not like those other Black people” in an all White space.

Sexism is a real and pervasive problem and I definitely don’t see Warren or Klobuchar making it anywhere near the finish line, except as one of the racist old White men’s VP choice. Men and women have deeply ingrained sexist beliefs and we’re no where near ready to address them as a country. Same as how America was

You know that nasty ass man is going home and french kissing his St. Bernard too 🤢🤮

Not only is this completely off topic, but it’s also completely incorrect. Gayle King just had her life threatened by people of every racial group for asking probing questions about whether or not Kobe was a sexual predator.

The show’s racism did what it was supposed to. The only reason 99% of us even know the name of this school and know that it holds fashion shows is because of this shit.

If only they were this motivated to investigate all of their fellow officers who routinely abuse their power 🙄

My only question is....why are these worthless fucks so obsessed with us? We literally just mind our business and live our lives and they’ve created this whole psychotic internal narrative that we’re secretly planning to murder most of them and make the rest our slaves or some shit.

Idk about the assault charges, but Cardi B was on Twitter back before she got popping, calling dark skinned Black women “roaches” and saying that she was Dominican, not Black, until it was politically expedient to claim her blackness. So forgive me if I don’t believe her on the colorism charges lol.

Bloomberg looked like a kid who forgot to unthaw the chicken and heard his mom’s keys jingle in the door when Warren read him for filth 😂😂😂

Between the lineup and the Cash Money Records ass designs on the flyers, I was super confused 😂 Who the hell booked Megan and Summer for this concert? Were Missy Elliot and Ashanti already booked?

There was a video a while back of Boosie passionately describing two men having sex in jail. Something tells me he got a little sugar in his tank and it makes him uncomfortable. Ain’t nothing wrong with being gay or on the spectrum. Plenty of people are.

The story was amusing til the uh...murder and desecration of a corpse stuff came up. He needs some serious therapy mandated in jail lol.

Rest in power, Nikita.

All cops are bad. They all hide shit and lie for each other. They all look the other way when their coworkers abuse their power. They all hold the line when their officers kill innocent people. The police are nothing but a gang, meant to protect the interests of the rich.

None of this shit surprises me in the least. All the police are is modern day slave catchers.

The thing I’m most confused about is why these White people get so upset about being called White. Y’all are White. Heidi Klum IS a White woman lol. What is there to be offended by?

Maybe her ratings are getting low or she’s auditioning for some minstrel show on Fox News or something. 🤷🏾‍♂️

I did the same thing, and then I saw somebody called this travesty a “Massa-card” and I screamed 😂😂😂

Additionally, he cannot sue the district as part of the terms of his release.”

A bunch of people I went to school with didn’t even make it to 30, so I don’t know why people act like aging is a curse. Things are supposed to change as you get older.