This fake “woke” shit is starting to get on my last nerve. Boomer describes a group of people born during the baby boom following WWII. If you were born between 1946 and 1964, you’re a fucking boomer.
This fake “woke” shit is starting to get on my last nerve. Boomer describes a group of people born during the baby boom following WWII. If you were born between 1946 and 1964, you’re a fucking boomer.
It’ll be an empty seat that they fill immediately once they regain power. They already have a majority on the Supreme Court, an empty seat is still a fucking win for them.
The biggest mistake that I’ve seen people make is thinking that all of this in fighting between people on the left is new or the result of Russian interference or Trump. This shit has been going on for decades and all of those chickens are coming home to roost.
Please explain to me how continually putting bandaids over the chainsaw wounds has aided our country. We need to accept that the Democratic party is dead and it needs to be buried. Who here is actually proud to be a Democrat? Be fucking honest. This party doesn’t represent its constituents and we need to create a new…
Because we’re still viewed as nothing more than political mules. We really need 2020 to be the last election where we help the Democrats and form our own damn party, regardless of who wins.
Hillary Clinton already ran and failed to do that. If you look back at her policies that she ran on in 2016, it was basically the best of both worlds and it didn’t work. Swing state voters wanted stupidity so we all got stupidity 🤷🏾♂️
The problem is, even if a democrat wins, we could wind up in the same scenario as with Obama, where Bitch McConnell refuses to confirm the democratic appointee and we end up in a new stalemate.
That’s the thing though. The weak ass democrats can’t even punk Trump, how the fuck would they stop Bloomberg?
As far as I’m concerned in Bloomberg vs Trump, Trump might actually be the lesser evil. That sounds insane, but hear me out.
I remember when I was a teenager in the early 2000’s I thought we were actually moving towards some sort of racial harmony in this country. Black people were getting into White media and White people were getting into Black media. Then Obama got elected and White people lost their damn minds lol.
Just wow. I thought Klobuchar was a scumbag before this interview and she actually managed to make me even more disgusted with her. After Obama, the scandal-less golden boy, wtf makes these deeply flawed people with their easily google-able records run for president?
It almost feels like we’re living in two different realities sometimes. The weirdest thing is when you talk to a White person about all of these classic Black TV shows and movies and they have no idea what the fuck you’re talking about. I can talk to Tad Or Betty about Troll 2 but they’ve never heard of Friday or…
Oh that one. Nah, I’m good fam lol
Is it bad that I have no idea who half of these people on the primary ballot are? Who the fuck is Tom Steyer? John Delaney?
My bad, it was just misleading headline for the video and thumbnail. That’s what I get for going on Youtube on my phone. The rest stands though.
I am 100% under the assumption that there is some low key “Hail Hydra” shit going on behind the scenes with White “liberals”. Youtube tried to recommend me a video of Pete Butti-who-gives-a-fuck on Steven Crowder’s show. For those of you who are unaware, Steven Crowder is essentially a dumb Nazi.
Also, that dummy seems to have missed the part where Europe started all of the colonialism and slavery and continued to enjoy profits from American slavery while they pretended to disapprove of it.
“Just ignore decades of his racist statements and actions, as well as the copy of Mein Kampf that he kept on his bedside table. Remember, Maya Angelou said ‘when someone shows you who they are, ignore everything’.”
Can you figure out how to troll Black people to generate effective outrage marketing campaigns like this one? If so, you’re on your way to a lucrative career 🙄😒
I saw that Bloomberg shit and said that this will be my last power rankings article. These articles are just low key trolling in my opinion, but *shrug*.