
He needs his racist ass whooped and then he needs to be disbarred. Every single case that this nazi motherfucker presided over or wrote warrants for needs to be re-examined by a third party source as well.

Why the fuck are these maniacs armed in the first place? That psychopath needs to be arrested and charged with attempted murder and ICE needs to be disbanded.

I woke up to this bullshit on my timeline and started blocking these ashy niggas left and right. I have no idea what has possessed these rich assholes to start campaigning for KNOWN serial rapists, but this shit needs to stop now.

If Gayle could get an interview with Harvey Weinstein or Woody Allen like the one she got with R. Kelly, do people think it wouldn’t happen? Some people are dumb as hell lol.

He was really fucking dumb and dangerous. Just like modern police.

The Democrats lost and continue to lose because they’re too attached to rules and decorum and they only care about “being right” rather than fucking winning. Process cannot defeat malice, regardless of how good those processes are. And our processes suck anyway.

It really is like every member of every police force in the country is just Barney Fife in a different skin suit. Not only should the cop responsible get fired, whoever trained the motherfucker should get the boot too.

I’m fucking baffled lol. I never thought I’d see the day where White people would literally “Soul Man” a bunch of old ass White novels instead of promote books by Black authors. 2020 is wild.

Fuck Jay Z. That’s all.

Fantastic article, Anne.

I know I should be outraged or mad or something, but the Republicans (formerly the Dixiecrats) were always treasonous, treacherous snakes.

🙌🏾 I truly appreciate your commitment to your principles. We need more people who stick to their guns.

I never said don’t bring it up.

I mean, if she was running, she would have my vote in an instant. Can the presidency just wait til she’s ready? America can go without a president for a while lol.

So you a comedian now, huh? 😂

Where did I say any of that? Please show it to me? I would love to see it.

Motherfucker, I was never a Kobe fan and I never said I was lol.

I know this ain’t gonna be a popular sentiment, but I’m a keep that same energy type of person.

“50 stents” 😂😂😂

I definitely heard “niggers”, not “knackers” or anything else. Two whole g’s in the middle lol. Ole girl needs to go.