Where in the budget are the funds for this being drawn?
Where in the budget are the funds for this being drawn?
It’s spelled V’GER
Same type of investigation that should be done in every case.
Also ask how their day is going. I’ve done that and more times than not they are genuinely pleased to have someone ask. I’ve even had reps say that no one had ever asked them that on a call before. It’s easy to forget they’re human beings too, and there’s a very excellent chance they have absolutely no control over…
I don’t really get this at all. I can see not allowing transitions to be undertaken while deployed, or recently transitioned people being restricted to postings where the post op care can be readily available. (Same goes for any soldier undergoing any surgery), but a complete and total ban is just confusing.
I’ll have what she’s having.
I can’t say you changed my view, or had a “perfect” answer, but deeply and truly, I want to thank you for acknowledging that it’s a legitimate question, and that I’m not a bigot for having a question.
I haven’t yet, no. I’m at work and only have my phone, I will watch it later
I’ve never asked this question on this site before, and as with everyone else, your answer basically says “I’ve never seen it and scientists haven’t proven it so it must be false” which is probably why people are not as willing to come out as trans racial. And in fact that very logic is still used to this day to…
As I’ve said above, the video was added after my original comment
Fair enough. Honest mistake
“Make sure you exclude the definitions of both.”
No, but I can certainly see why a newcomer might be unwilling to ask a question as to something they have no experience in. Being called all sorts of names for simply not being familiar with something doesn’t really foster a welcoming an open community.
So you want me to explain how two things are similar without explaining what the two things are???
It was not there in the original post, it was added after I posted my comment
The video relating to trans racial vs trans gender was added after my comment
And I do get that, but all those things were said about transgender people. Which is where I find my quandary. Any argument I use like that against someone saying they are trans racial I would find transphobic if it were about transgendered people
I saw this elsewhere, and they reported that the family of the officer bought them pizza or something?
Honest question here, and truly id appreciate a genuine, educated, and non inflammatory response:
It is a tough line to draw. You don’t want your kids to never encounter assholes, or even to always have them taken care of by an authority figure. You want them to be able to brush off bullying and the like, because you’ll always have assholes to deal with. I have a fairly thick skin i was bullied to a degree in…