Absolutely, there’s tonnes of different scenarios, and defense lawyers make a lot of money to know what is their best option. I just feel like with Giomeshi and Cosby this was the right call
Not calling the defendant to the stand is a great tactic in cases like this. Worked perfectly for Giomeshi.
Is that what the “to send a message, press 3" option is for?
How does it even work?
I actually thought is was a synonym for aghast, because that’s how I’ve seen it used in the comments here lately, but I decided to look it up.
I don’t think that word means what you think it means
It seems negligent you failed to even mention the Star Trek: Voyager episode that was essentially based around lucid dreaming. I know it was my first introduction to it!
I read an article recently about that.
Well i can’t speak to the US, but in Canada there were different pushup/situp and pull up requirements based on age and gender. I don’t care about that because a bodyweight exercise doesn’t translate to combat ability. The standards i don’t think should be changed are the ruckmarch/kit abilities.
Thats true. Assuming you’re wearing your plates.
Yeah i was in the CF and we had a few woman in our unit, and they humped the ruck and rifle as far as i did. No issues letting them have my back. In fact i saw more shit pump guys than girls
Don’t lower or change the physical standards, and let the best of the best do what they do best.
Is there a Canadian version?
So its cool for a scientist to be fired for making stupid sexist jokes about woman scientists, but its uncool for a teacher to be fired for making stupid sexist comments about men.
Just because you can be an asshole doesn’t mean you should.
I made a wine rack the other day, with 28 dado cuts. (We put the two boards together so it was really only 14)
When i first glanced this over I thought you were berating them for watering their dogs
I think the timeline of how much sooner this new appointment was, is important.