
*Veteran, Actor

Now that’s a bright idea.

A great and simple coconut drink:

This is exactly the relationship i have with my gf.

Im going to share my one homeless person fast food story, and believe me this actually still makes me hurt.

I know in Canada the law was changed to actually specify it was "sexual assault" instead of rape in order to emphasize the assault aspect. Bullshit PC shit, rape sounds 1000x more violent than sexual assault, but it may be the same case in the states.

i originally misread that as you saying that dudes would be defending her because she's a vet, but wouldn't be otherwise, and i was confused.

You win.

You do realize judges are not permitted to introduce new charges, right? If the prosecutor laid charges that are archaic and can't be applied to this case, he'd be a shitty judge for convicting this human parasite.

Fair enough, I've lived in BC my whole life, and i know im extremely fortunate to have been around police forces that are professional and not inherently flawed

Funny, police make me feel safe. Course i don't break the law nor do i associate with those that do

Pray tell, what precisely is a "Desert Storm fatigue"?

i actually read an interview somewhere (i cant recall where. I know, vague as fuck) where a female perfomer said that condoms actually do more harm than good. Most shoots have so many takes the lube wears off and tends to cause sores and bleeding, and then break and increases the risk of STI transmission, not to

see thats fair. Anything that requires that much time should be paid to put on

Well now they are. Good job.

some jobs might. I had a warehouse job where they cleaned our uniforms for us, but that was unique in my experience

Fair point. I need a city job!

that's a point. Ive always been permitted to take my uniform home, maybe thats the difference.


not to detract from the inherit dickness of these allegations, but is changing in and out of your uniform off the clock not expected?