
This is just fraud, plain and simple, and the most likely victims are elderly who are not all there anymore. I hope he gets hit with a fine, and has to spend time volunteering somewhere that he can do some good.

In BC Canada we have a similar system, and it works better than it sounds on the surface. Basically it’s a true no fault insurance. I can’t sue my employer, but I get compensated in the event of injury, and in the event of death, my family gets compensated.

First off, great article. The curious questions I had about why were answered.

If TIE Fighter hadn't been number one, this entire list would have been invalid

Please for the love of God wake up (assuming you’re not a bot)

First of all she’s not

Fuck the dude talks all day for a living, and he said one stupid thing and didn't hesitate to call himself stupid for it. Give him a fucking break

You sir are correct. I went on a whirlwind trip to Tokyo. Landed at I think like 3pm local time. I showered, rallied, and got drunk til around 10pm. Got up at 8 right as rain and was fine for the 5 days. Coming home, did the same. Went to work the next day just fine. 

Just so everyone is clear, you can paint a gun any colour you want.

I was curious how people were going to spin this as a bad thing

Goddamn you have the best posts. I've always hated those shitty whispy parts

Damn straight. And they should publish every act of violence and depravity.

Can I just say you have the best articles?


That would be a privilege I'm not sure I'm worthy of

Stuff like this is always so cool to me.

Why exactly?

Oh yeah also to add, there literally was a holocaust joke in the office that the cancel culture types obviously didn’t get because it required a degree of intelligence, and not a knee jerk reaction.

There 1000 reasons that ketamine can and is used by literally every civilized first responder service in the world. You ignorance is offensive

I mean it wasn't a cleverly done piece, but it was definitely done as making fun of something. This ain't the end of the world, but I'm firmly of the belief that no topic is off limits for humor. If you get it wrong, you gotta own it, but don't delete humour just cause it's not popular