
More than that, I’m delighted. In Fridley Minnesota in 2010, a loud pipes shop opened about 600 feet from my house. It drew bikers from miles around. All hours of the spring summer and fall, they’d open the throttle on the 60 MPH highway adjacent to the store and half a black from my house. You couldn’t sit outside

THANK YOU. We're arguing about hurrying up and waiting!

Really? I don’t understand this.

Umm that doesn’t happen unless you’re super dumb. Not everyone struggles with tech. Disposable paper isn’t a better option.

I think salmonella is the least of your food safety worries in China.

So I guess salmonella isn’t a thing in China? 

Or just use dedicated cables, USB-A and USB-C are, for the most part, backwards compatible.

That won’t stop the unlicensed drivers in your scenario from 1) driving just as fast anyway, or 2) running into your smug ass and your high-speed license plate. Probably while not insured. 

While 183 arrests have been made in connection with fires, only 24 people have actually been charged with arson.

I, for one, still maintain that stance.

By the time I read everything, only about half of the car pictures had loaded, but 13(!) individual ads loaded for a pretty fancy woodchipper. So I am left thinking that a woodchipper was the most important thing of the last 15 years.

This is basically what they do already. It may not be for the 1st tier loyalty members, but certainly for the higher tier ones. I’d wager half the first class seats on any given flight are probably upgrades.

“For some reason” is because the cost of a ticket has gone down considerably in the last 30 years when you factor in inflation. I remember paying $300 for NY-LA 25 years ago. You can still snag that price today.

Is there a part of the world where first class seats are sometimes empty? I live in Chicago and travel frequently for work and have literally never seen this. Any first class seats that don’t get sold will go to one of the dozens of people on the upgrade list.

I agree this has everything to do with China. Why isn’t the author answering the main question: With Russia openly defying the treaty why would the US stay in it? On what planet would it make sense to “honor” an agreement that both hurts you and no one else is honoring? 

“Regardless, it’s worth juxtaposing the mere assertion to the rights Americans apparently do not affordable education...”

But none of those facts fit this websites left-focused agenda, so they are not relevant.

First, you left out the part where parts of the law have already been blocked because they would have put 70,000 truck drivers who owned their own trucks out of work.

I’ll just point this out because it bears repeating, why is a taxi app that can’t make money worth $30 billion dollars?

The outgoing CEO was an engineer (I have no knowledge if he was a good one, but certainly had the resume). Two months ago the Boeing board split the Chairman and CEO roles up into two separate positions, saying it was necessary to do so in order to retain focus on their objectives. Now they have already