
I bought my 2019 Ranger Lariat almost a year ago and generally agree with your POV here. No buyer’s remorse at all. It’s a nice ride. 2 things I wish were better....

I think the takeaway here is that the story should be about the primary issue.  If the issue is that Tesla’s LootBox is horseshit and lies to users, then write that article.  If the issue is that Seth’s life was in danger thanks to Tesla, then write that article.  If you write a story about Seth being a naive,

No doubt that the lockdowns have greatly decreased emissions.  There’s also no doubt that seasonally our emissions decrease when we go from winter to spring because we don’t need to heat buildings nearly as much.  Go pull this data January to March for previous years so you have a realistic baseline.  

Wait, Tom Hanks was an astronaut?  I thought he was an actor....

Can I retroactively identify as a woman to decrease my COVID-19 mortality rate?  Or does that only change my mortality rate to the lower level going forward?

Human survival is an entirely valid argument. The challenge with climate change is that it’s anything but clear that human survival is at stake. The climate change issue has to address 3 issues to get broader support for sweeping (ie like the Green New Deal) changes:

If the requirement isn’t possible the timeline isn’t terribly relevant. If the government told you that by 2030 you needed to be no taller than 1 foot 6 can plan all god damn day every’re not achieving this ridiculous requirement.

So instead of a team owning 1 of these gin palaces and transporting it, now they will have one built and stored at every location. Such is the folly of many of these short-sighted “save the planet” bs stories......

I was really excited about the Gladiator this past summer. But I bought a new loaded Ranger in the fall and couldn’t be happier. The worst part of the Gladiator is how stripped down the base model is, and how highly priced the options were to add. To match the options on a $40k loaded Ranger (Lariat) you were looking

I’m rarely sympathetic to the “new tech bad” narrative. But John Deere is really misunderstanding how to serve their customers. Data ownership shenanigans are much more egregious. Here’s a 6 year old story about the issue, and it’s still unaddressed. This will eventually haunt Deere.

I’m in favor of renewable energy. But to say that the “fires are worse because of climate change” is a really logically dubious claim. It’s dubious because any 1 event is never obviously about climate change. We’ve had extreme conditions on earth forever. When a new extreme (drought or fire or hurricane) occurred in

whoa whoa who.....”Jap”?

if i had the money I’d short uber stock for sure.....but eventually the market will sort it out.  I agree, they aren’t going to live up to the valuation and hype.  

excuses are like assholes - everybody has one.  grow up.  fend for yourself.  there is no alternative, regardless of the promises from political candidates.  

The fact that the US did not exploit our nuclear advantage when we were the only country who had it is arguably the most amazing break from human nature in history EVER.  Read the new Dan Carlin book - it’ll open your eyes to humanity and this issue.  

I find all of these comments about the “engineer” ex-CEO and the “accountant” new CEO to be confused at best. If a person is truly a skilled engineer, that person will make a shit CEO. It’s an entirely different skillset. CEOs need to know how lead other leaders and they need to know how to make money. They don’t need

I fully agree with everyone coming down hard on the idiotic driver here....AND I'm surprised the autopilot failed to avoid this crash.  I'll never find out, but I think my 2019 ranger would stop in this scenario.

Once today’s boomers retire, today’s young adults currently freaking the eff out about climate change will also realize that this supposedly apocalyptic future is still “7 years away” and it’s mostly people with a different agenda looking for power.

I’m sure you had a first encounter with a post like this years ago.  Now it’s common knowledge to you.  But not everyone is your age and has had your experiences.  We have to continually educate best practices for those who don’t know them yet.  It’s not depressing at all.  It’s shortsighted to not understand that.  

I was all-in on that Red car that was a fucking pig off the line.  But she had the best top end and handling.....what Makes and models are closest to each of those 4 F-Zero cars???