
“The Bronco was in development long before Trump started mishandling a global pandemic.”

A few weeks back in quarantine I kinda just started watching any and all Netflix comedy specials and a lot of them are just really really bad.

It’s kind of a non-sequitur to bring up climate change in this story. Other than the fact that ultimately, climate change is impacting everything. 

My favorite sub-tropical cyclone on the Great Lakes is the only one that actually formed over the lakes, which happened in September 1996.

THIS is the comment this article needs. A simple secondary mea culpa would have done wonders. Like - “Yeah, maybe Seth should have had another credit card in his pocket, but still...”

My 125 lb dog drives and I take the back seat. Safer that way.

Trump says to do something everyone agrees is a good idea - CRITICIZE! Deadspin trash lives on apparently 

Case count figures are skewed only to those who have been tested. There are many who will be carriers whether they have symptoms or not and never be tested. Case # is a metric to look at, but if something like 30% of infected aren’t tested and therefor not officially reported, then it’s hard to full say what the

You know what’s more astonishing than an 80% dive?

I can’t say for the rest of them, but at least for Entwistle and Moon, it’s because they’re dead.

There’s a divide between people doing things that are intended to cause their death and things that may cause their death. Car accidents cause many more deaths per year than poorly-constructed rockets, but we don’t lock people up for driving, in and of itself.

Way to completely miss my point. In this case, the Europeans are taking a page out of the American playbook - they are basically implementing CAFE (regulating CO2 is exactly the same thing as regulating fuel economy). Which is dumb, they have had a better, far more effective way of doing it for 50+ years - directly

And it is not just hand washing (otherwise known as common sense and hygiene) that has bolstered women’s immunity, it’s also genetics.

Because it costs too much, and there is no market for it. GM built hybrid full-size trucks and SUVs that were upwards of 30% more efficient (huge when you are starting with mpg in the teens). They barely sold any. There is NO incentive for Americans to spend more on efficiency, when gas is cheaper than milk, and the

Trump is a moron - no arguments here. But the EU is hardly a beacon of progress. Their own regulations have been pushing smaller, less thirsty, more efficient bikes out of the market, because the cost to get such a small unit to Euro5 standards is excessive. Meanwhile, big, thirsty bikes continue unabated, because

The companies can create as many “clean” vehicles as they want, but if consumers aren’t buying them, it won’t do any good. Their choice now is to build vehicles people will buy and face massive fines, or build vehicles not enough people want and go out of business.

I love the look of this truck. Perfect combination of color and wheels. This looks to be very well done.

GEO Metros for everybody!

Yep, another one that doesn’t understand high school physics.

If carbon neutrality is the goal then stop racing. What’s the point of it anyway? Just stop doing it.