
Yeah its as if calling someone a name isn’t worth getting a multi million dollar payout. We live in crazy times.

Why are you shocked? Unsworthy made an insult first and provoked Musk into insulting back. You can’t provoke a person with an insult then sue them.

This Jeep’s ‘Death Wobble’ Is So Terrifying It Will Haunt Your Dreams

Yeah, that’s definitely a picture of a sunbathing asshole.

They obviously wanted to break the windows, it leads to more coverage of the “bulletproof” Vaportruck so all the Tesla bros have even more crap to annoy regular people with for years to come.

I loved that game!

K, although I found this hilarious and totally well done....

Deadspin Political Rant Trash Journalism? Here’s the perfect car...

Damn. I’m shopping for Tacomas in the wrong part of the country. I guess I need to incorporate a cross-country jaunt into my search.

I’m pretty sure Tommy Callahan did the best explanation of cheap vs expensive brake pads ever

Watch The Future USS John F. Kennedy Float For The First Time.”

money is for whatever you want to use it for

That doesn’t sound like a glowing endorsement, TBH.

Especially when they announce independent suspension, FWD base model, and name it the EcoBronco.

Counterpoint: If you expect someone who paid for a seat that reclines to not recline it because it inconveniences you, the monster is you.

fuck that, if i’m stuck on a plane for 12 hours I WILL take my shoes off.

5'8" “not tiny? lol. 

Could you expand on this? It doesn't make any sense to me. So if I go buy a Civic on a 36 month loan because Honda is giving me 1.9%, and some credit criminal does a 72 month loan at 8%, from your advice it sounds like I should somehow only keep the car for 5 years, but that other buyer should keep it for 8 years. Why

Sorry, Political rant..... I hate Trump just as much as anybody, but cash for clunkers perfectly embodied how the Obama administration quietly sucked. All their big plans; see Obamacare, Wall Street/Detroit bailouts, to go along with Cash for clunkers, looked good in the headlines but blew hairy balls in an ass