
Yeah, screw Cash for Clunkers. Hard. We should’ve learned our lesson back then when we removed a lot of affordable used cars from the market and then wondered where all the decent used vehicles went. But no! We’re apparently dumb AND we have short memories.

“The plan would be key to reducing the impact of climate change enriching those with influence over the government.”

Damn. I just paid full price for a 10 Piece nugget meal for lunch. Fuck me right? 

If I keeper wanted to nix a batch, getting himself ejected 13 seconds into the game would be one of the worst possible ways to go about it. I have no idea what was going through his head, but the only way he could really ensure his team loses is to stay in the game and give up goals.

The sales numbers certainly don’t seem to have an effect on the prices of luxury vehicles. I’m currently shopping in the $60k - $100k range looking at leftover 2019's with some of them being loaners. The dealerships are treating them like they are made of gold. 

the number of minor affiliates each team has actually varies. some have international rookie league teams, some have two rookie league teams, et cetera.

Now playing

Not a recording of the coaches, but Pat McAfee talking about it on his podcast is pretty good.

I was on a flight when I watched that play. It was all I could do to stop myself from standing up and making an announcement to the entire cabin about what just happened.

So the best counter to Trump’s exaggeration/lie is another exaggeration/lie? Pull back the lies to expose the truth rather than throwing your own obfuscation on top.

As penetrable as the wall probably is, someone who’s planning a climbing trip and says they’ve done a lot of climbing probably exceeds most reasonable people’s definition of novice.

I mean, if you are cut at the end of the pre-season and then re-signed, the team has pretty much put a huge sign on your locker that says “END OF THE ROSTER RIGHT HERE!”

As a Chrysler product from the '90s, it's going to be really easy to find a ZJ that needs a new transmission anyway.

Exactly. Maybe BMW is taking a smart approach. Although experts claim that BEVs have entered the mainstream, they will be confined to second-car status until the range increases and charging time decreases.

So, not really.

I disagree with a lot of what you are saying here. I do wish that Kerr said more, but you can’t just jump from “he didn’t say what I wanted him to say about this issue” to “stick to sportzzzz!”

Trump has suspended environmental laws, so no. I wish I could say this is unusual. Obama, Clinton, and both Bushes suspended the same laws in order to repair or build fencing. The difference in those cases was that the previous presidents suspended laws in sites that were already degraded by other human activities.

When I started following sports, the Braves were in the NL West, the Cardinals in the NL East, the Cowboys in the NFC East, and Bucs in the NFC Central, the Falcons in the NFC West, and I thought Jazz originated from Utah.

That’s weird, because a lot of people were calling collision for not giving a 30 year old closer $100 million coming off both probably the worst, if still generally effective but no longer automatic, season of his career and an absolutely dreadful October in which he gave up 7 ER in 10 innings.

I hate the fucking Cardinals, trying to win a division they aren’t even in. 

Most people just don’t get how tough times were for so many. Now people consider it a hardship when they carry a cell phone that is two generations behind.