
Because the price of unionizing is that unions protect their worst and most senior members too.

The goal of taking on a vegetarian or vegan diet, or even just eating less meat, is to support animal welfare and to choose foods whose production contributes less to global warming.

The problem is totally that employees just refused to work remotely. 

You’re exactly right. People don’t drive more because now they “can,” they drive because they have to get somewhere. Trust me, nobody in LA is taking the 405 just because there are more lanes.

Your point is excellent and the article does nothing to address it. The increased vehicle traffic doesn’t just magically appear - these cars somehow come from somewhere, and are going someplace, for a reason. Are there more places to go? People living farther out? Reduced vehicles on surface roads?

Where do housing prices begin to factor into these equations? Here in Seattle, traffic is absolutely insane because everyone lives far south/east/north and drives into the city because they can’t afford to live in seattle and areas like Renton/Auburn/Everett/Issaquah are more economical.

In other news: The justice system is working as intended

“but it was in no way equivalent to an act of actual war.”

Uh, I think you need to redirect your angst towards cable news more than anything else. GWB nor his gov we’re spewing that garbage.

Say what? 

That is perhaps the WORST film technique that I have ever seen.

I’m not so convinced they’re a transportation company. I’d liken it to McDonalds:

MF said “Nautious.” Like he didn’t even give it a good shot. Typed out a word that look like a Transformer that turns into a sailboat.

No aviation operation will ever have 100% fleet readiness. A portion of the fleet will always be down for planned maintenance, unexpected repairs, or other issues.

It has to be that big. Twice a year I tow a 12-foot travel trailer. 

I have zero kids, zero dogs, but love to camp, hunt, fish etc.  Why would I get a third row of seating over a bigger rear cargo area?  

right, to that ugly grey that was once black (covering every early Chevy Avalanche)

He kind of did if you read the last paragraph in full, the parts were only $675. He did it in 5 hours so he factored $215/hr of shop time (reasonable number). Even if it was only the parts cost, they are rarely only 10% of the repair cost unless it's a huge engine and transmission removal job.

“Despite having no experience working on BMWs”

This is really your primary take away from this incident?