
There’s a ton of “character” players that Belichick used without issue: Moss, Dillon, Blount, Meriweather, Browner...

LOL, mine’s for Lane Bryant! WTF? I am neither plus-size nor a woman. So I hesitate slightly before accusing you of being an alcoholic, but only slightly!

“A single that isn’t a walk” is also known as a single.

So it’s the company’s fault for not being able to afford to pay random people whatever they decide they should get paid?

I’m kinda confused by these semi-veiled, sizzling “CAPITALISM WILL KILL THE PLANEThot takes you guys seem to spit out of here. So.. what is it? You’re calling for a global communist revolution? That’s what you think will save the planet? A communist US magically won’t have such a big army? Rich/powerful people will

If there was a young man in literally any other profession who made $100 million before he was 30 and decided to retire, he would be lauded. The Wall Street Journal would write thousands of words of wankery praising his acumen and smarts and god bless America.

Unfortunately, research is showing us that Football is detrimental to your health even before you make a single dime. Like, High School early:

Not taking sides here or saying its ok for these players to be petty like this, but there is obviously something that Fenech wrote that ticked off Verlander. I get that the media is always biased toward other media, as evidenced by the “prevented from doing his job” line, but I feel like its a little lazy to publish

Counterpoint: I’ve made $226 million dollars being one of the best at what I do. Why should I have to waste my time answering the questions of a guy that constantly trolls me on Twitter? Frankly, why should literally anyone have to put up with that?

It seems that answering the “why” question so important in journalistic reporting is being ignored. 

Counterpoint: this guy might be an idiot and a troll.

Wait who is paying that much for insurance?!

I’m betting he can afford to buy a second ticket to get back in, then show his previous ticket to get to his original seat. I’m also guessing that the ticket takers and ushers stop caring after about the 10th inning.

As a White Sox fan who just happened to be in a sports bar full of Cubs fans last night when this happened, it was a bit cathartic.

Clearly what they need to ride this momentum train all the way to October is to continue to wear those sweet sky blue Mike Schmidt/Steve Carlton/Greg Luzinski/Bake McBride uniforms. Man, I love those!

Sprinting around the bases is the new bat flip.

Ya know, after spending way too much time on this,
I said ‘Fuck it-no one will look at it anyway.’

I’m forever entertained by the people pushing a narrative themselves accusing others of “towing the line”.

Those powder blues are so tight.

Thompson strikes me as one of the more reasonable Deadspin writers. He’s still got to tow the company line about greedy owners and player empowerment, but at least he acknowledges the “fair perception” that Harper has been a bust.