
The law is clearly insane, motivated by ignorance and panic...

It would involve a complete reorganization of the baseball system.

I guess it’s heartening that the world is running out of poor third-world dictatorships that you can make the villains in a Hollywood movie without harming your bottom line.

I’m really glad your political science degree is finally coming in handy.

Lol, just because they CAN doesn’t mean they SHOULD.
If it hasn’t become profitable to field a women’s team - which is the point of the comment - then it doesn’t matter how much money a corporation has. Throwing away money is never a good thing. 

considering his body was almost horizontal when he made contact with lucroy (who i thought would be on an episode of let’s remember some guys by now) I believe him when he says he was diving for the inside corner of the plate.

It’s not even that serious. I’m fine with ugly basketball. Hell, I’m a huge fan of the 90s Knicks teams! The problem is the same problem that has seeped into all other areas of society: shame is no longer a mitigating factor.

“Maybe Air Canada can look into compensating for some therapy.”

... and it is very important that everybody know it.

Yeah, this is literally how every major retailer works...not sure how anyone’s surprised by this.

Yet Walmart is ok to shop at?

Have you been to an Amazon Distribution Center and have you been to distribution centers for Wal-Mart, UPS, Dicks Sporting Goods, and basically every other retailer or logistics provider?

Let me guess, you also don’t shop at Wal-Mart, Home Depot, Lowe’s, Safeway, or buy anything from Kellogg’s, General Foods, Nabisco, Proctor and Gamble, you don’t own a TV, you make all your own clothes, grow all your own food, constructed your own fixed gear bike that is your only transportation, only listen to music

What a weird stand.

To say that nothing that he says has any value is pretty dismissive. I’m not saying I agree with everything he says, but the guy is well-read and seems to at least try to approach questions from a reasonable perspective. Much of what was discussed in that quote is really debating the history and outcomes of a movement

Deadspin is largely peddling a convenient narrative where gender and sex are different constructs, but then as it relates to athletic competition, somehow they should be the same, regardless of biology.

I just can’t agree with this part:

I mean...

Call me crazy, but I agree with FB on this one. They’ve vetted the video and given a warning to folks who watch it. That’s the best a platform can do without becoming a censor and curator of material.