
What a strange reality - we can give the exit velocity to the nearest tenth of a mph, but we’re left to estimate just how far the ball went and debate the accuracy of the estimate.  One of those is so much easier to measure than the other.....

We shouldn’t equate using a drug with being addicted. The owners’ logic for having such a strong penalty against drugs of abuse is to make players think twice before attending dangerous party scenes. There’s the direct danger to the players (Len Bias) and the brand danger (DUIs, fights, domestic abuse, sexual assault,

I mean, yeah it didn’t work.  But it wasn’t embarrassing that it didn’t work.  There was probably a 90% chance of failure when Buehrle pulled it off a few years ago....he just got lucky / was better at a ridiculous skill.

I would take Johnny Miller and *fill in the blank* over the current crew.  Yeah, Joe Morgan sucked.  Johnny was amazing.

Isn’t it weird that a “white supremacist president” even offered a medal to a person of color?  I feel like you buried the lead.....or perhaps totally misunderstand the situation.  

So what has gone on here?  Clue me in.  It looks like a horribly violent person is being put in an environment where he can’t attempt to murder children.  But maybe I’m missing something.  

Yes, obviously all bad behavior is a result of evil genius executives exploiting the world.  Let’s start a GoFundMe page to help the real victim here - the employee who got fired.  

Russell Westbrook has self-interest. His contribution to helping other players is in driving the market rate higher. All future QB negotiations will use his deal as a benchmark. And offensive linemen will use the QB salary as a justification to get paid to protect that investment. Etc. Etc.

So the accusation here is that the market paid Manny Machado less than Bryce Harper because Bryce is white and Manny is not? The flippant, baseless racism / ___phobia accusations are incredibly counterproductive for everyone.

What’s totally missing here in this story is the concept of risk. Albies was 2 years away from arbitration and 5 years away from free agency. If he has nagging injuries or fails to continue to produce, he basically gets squadouche.

These partnerships are a big piece of the puzzle to this story.  Sort of a big omission.  

Talk to your union rep....

“consent" to a high five?  Like, do people get hand raped in your county?  Just don't put your hand up.  It short-circuits the entire assault.

“.....said jumping to conclusions without concrete evidence helps feed misleading narratives about......”

I am calling out scumbag behavior, oh holy one with your brilliant moral character.

None of us can begin to judge this person’s “character” and their contributions to society based on the license plate. Paying extra taxes is hardly the only or best way to contribute to society.

If these people “dodging” taxes are breaking the law, then they should be held accountable. But if what they’re doing is legal, then you’re the chump for paying taxes unnecessarily.

I agree, and there’s an unfortunate lack of sophistication to the advice in this post. Can’t someone take an hour and look at Edmonds True Cost to Own to compare maintenance and repair costs of 1st year models versus subsequent years?  There’s definitely data readily available to answer this question quantitatively,

I’ll bet the full-time caddie has a contract in place.  What was the agreement with the replacement caddie?  If Kuch didn’t agree to pay 10% and the caddie agreed to a flat rate, then fuck the caddie for trying to extort more money out of someone.  

How would you propose the legal system handle this situation?  Fuck the rich guy because he’s managed to secure a successful career?  Give the less successful guy a winning lottery ticket?