
I’d love to know what was agreed to between caddie and golfer at the beginning of the tournament. I have no doubt it is “customary” for full-time caddies to get 10% of earnings. But this caddie was not the full-time caddie. Frankly, if he wanted 10% of the earnings, he should have gotten that agreed to in writing.

Tears or not, this guy is a great human being. He reached out to a local non-profit here in Minneapolis (we provide academic tutoring to kids at boys and girls clubs) before their recent game against the T-wolves.....totally out of the blue.  He pledged to donate $1k per block in the upcoming game.  He does this

All the workers can seek any employment they wish.  No one is stuck working for the Cincinnati Reds at their ticket window.  

The idea that it’s “concepts” vs “instinct” is totally false. You need concepts because you need coordination with multiple players. 1 player can’t just decide to do something and then say “hey, instincts” as an explanation.

I grew up 100 miles from St Louis, lived there 2 years as an adult, and quickly realized how awful it was. I’m a Cardinals fan, but the city is so horrifically dysfunctional and dangerous.  Don't go there.

How about that failed backflip at 1:50?

How rare is this? I know you linked to a story noting this isn’t the first time it happened. But where else would TV and filmmakers source realistic, vague coverage of a disaster?  

So, when the Nats first publicly announced their offer it was, when their interactions are public it’s to drive up the price.

The real amazing thing is that so many people have gotten wrapped up in class warfare silliness that they actually believe really elaborate, unlikely explanations of simple actions.

I read these WWE stories with such fascination and confusion.

Hi Turbineguy -

“If the costs of manufacturing a good go up, the manufacturer must charge higher prices thereby decreasing demand for the product.”

That is nowhere close to Econ101. There is so much confusion in both the article and this comment.

I’m surprised so many takes on the other post-fight piece basically say Khabib is totally understandably. It was a horrible decision to create a post-fight brawl.

“Just a thought, but perhaps the women whose careers were stymied after they complained about CK’s sexual misconduct have some ideas about what the correct sentence should be in this case?

Call me cold, but I’m pretty sure asking someone who has a particular job whether that particular job should earn moreoney, and you’ll only ever get 1 answer. This is hardly any investigation into the merits of each argument.

I love that a 4% interest rate is considered “crazy”.

You can apply that logic more broadly. And then be called a white supremacist.


Chris Thompson is sort of the Jemele Hill of confusion about the difference between fact and opinion, and no desire to objectively reason. Why use reason when it is so much more satisfying to vilify those who disagree with you?