
Somebody didn’t like something, soooooo.... you’re all fired.

Didn’t y’alls parents ever keep the old egg, cereal, and milk cartons as toys so you could play with them?

I remember me and my siblings being given monopoly money and a bunch of food containers to shop with. We would do the shopping in the living room and our mom would check us out in the kitchen and tell us the money

Texas Roadhouse has absolutely broken the system. They have figured out the exact cost to value point for simple beef preparation. Their $17 plate is as good as many $100 plates I’ve had. Their steak is probably a solid #3 best commercial steak I’ve had.

Or, yeah, do it yourself.

I take all my financial advice from Scrooge McDuck, and he once said: “It’s not a deal if you don’t need it.”

You are incorrect, sir.  We all live in exceptionally dense urban environments with all the options available at all times. 

As long as the money is laundred it doesn’t matter if the product survives.



I used to obsessively make lists. I even listed what I would get from where based on price. When I finally started making enough money to not have to worry about using every coupon, I decided to let myself simply wing it and not worry about general food costs.

Savage burn. 


Because it’s too expensive and you have to actually make it. For all the cost and processing involved, natural gas an petroleum literally just shoot out the ground. Petroleum based infrastructure is already there. The energy density of petroleum storage is higher than nearly any other fuel source.  And if biogas were

I really want one of these for all races and genders.  This is the shit I use to navigate society. 

This is wonderful.  This is the kind of breakdown morons like me need so that we can know what the fuck y’all are talking about.  

How are these pleasures discovered?

Blaze had something to say about that.

Why is it, that even after I explain to you what I’m doing, you refuse to understand what I’m doing?

What do you mean?

I didn't say i Don't like people policing othera.  By practical example i proved that you are all willing to do it and it should be no different in a store as it is here in these comments.