
HG kicks all the ass.

Which is more important?

Talant in playing the character and adjusting other attributes that can be adjusted, or letting an inferior actor play the role because of other existing attributes?

Essentially, in this case, the capability of the actor or the color of their skin?

How did you miss my point? It’s in the first sentence. I can’t wait for all the old people to die off.

Stop being reasonable.  Just shout about racism.

I can’t wait until all these old people die.  Rich ones, poor one, black ones, white ones, smart ones, dumb ones, all of them.  Just hurry up and die already.

Why? How else is will the government sponsored tax based pyramid schems continue to funciton if each subsequant generation isn’t larger than the previous generation.  Do “it” for your country, sir!

I agree.

No reason to actually pay for the votes you bought after the election is over.

Cooked instant oatmeal.

Oh I agree. There aren’t many reasons not to be nice, but if somebody’s default setting is “asshole” then I’m not gonna push too hard. Baby steps.

You don’t even have to be nice to everyone. Just don’t be a dick. Being neutral is perfectly fine.

Gotta fight somebody.  I can’t win if there is no enemy to defeat.

Insert “one pound meat volcano” joke.

I agree, it’s difficult. But you cannot reach an objective without first identifying it.

Stop caring what other people think about you.

Both arguments have merit.

But she’s so sassy. Isn’t that alluring to you? Doesn’t that attitude just make you want more of her because this is some sort of insane competition we don't know we are part of?

Yeah, but my profit.

Also, save your aquafaba as an egg white substitute for other things if you have an egg allergic member in your party.

I really try my hardest to avoid shaming people when it comes to buying store-bought items...”    But I do anyway.