
Thanks, lunch didn’t sound like a good idea today anyways.

Ways Hillary is like my Oma: I love her, but I’d rather have Bernie in the White House.

Your friend deserves to lose his license for life. Someone insanely reckless enough to drive on a sidewalk to get a parking space doesn’t deserve the privilege of driving a motor vehicle.

Yes Karma, it’s revealing to know that everytime I key someone’s car that asshole had it coming.

All of what you say is based on the premise that the universe is innately just. It is not. These people may very well go through their lives stepping on people and being happier for it and never facing consequences. They know it’s wrong and don’t care. Mere correction is not an option, because they already know they

We’re screwed either way if Bernie doesn’t get the nomination and elected.

She is truly a scary person. Lying right through her teeth, nothing she says or does can be trusted. We’re screwed if she gets elected.

This is part of the reason I’m voting for Bernie Sanders!

Nothing. Florida just makes all of their criminal arrest record public (whereas many other states don’t) so it’s easy for national sites to republish them.

They don’t really look different enough the Veyron to me, I really hoped for something very different. Then again, I’ll never be the target audience for these things. Presumably that is what Saudi millionaire rapists want from their Bugatti’s.

Honestly, if you end up with one juror essentially saying “the police are selfless civil servants and besides, the dirty... er, inner city thug probably had it coming”, and then on the other side, another juror saying “all these damn pigs deserve to die, set this one in a chair and I’ll pull the switch myself!”, and

I’ll see your Saturn-5 and raise you an N1 rocket. Did it go anywhere? Hell no! But look at those clean lines, and futuristic looking nodules.

I was thinking the same. They’ll be ↑ ↑ ↓ ↓ ← → ← → B A their way into digital crash testing.

Her Chinese splash art wasn’t so bad.

That’s my understanding of it as well. This is why I started with Hots. But majority of my friends play Dota and a handful LoL. Just would be cool to see gameplay and tips even if it isn’t him playing.

This image pretty accurately describes why I always played support

...and then demanded that his followers dink blood and eat flesh. Definitely a zombie.

Would still rather have 1 Corvette.