$500 - Hell Yeah! that TOTALLY makes up for the $13,000 of value I lost in a couple days.
Spine crushing 19 miles per hour, you have a very weak spine.
It’ll be hilarious if it’s just a copy paste routine that infests all their diesel software and they didn’t even realize was there:
What’s that hideous sound? What on this unholy earth is so loud? Over there. Hey, look. It’s an enemy sniper over the trees. Take him out.
Hovering 35’ up in the air with a big I AM A TARGET, SHOOT ME printed on your back.
Cheeky behavior gets met with a minor fine and more cheeky behavior.
That sound like it would suck. If a city in Florida did this people would riot.
I’m really afraid of seeing the Toyota Corolla Marty’s Dorky Broke-Ass Dad Edition.
If it has gullwing doors I'm in
“Busy Idaho Freeway During Rush Hour”
...Coupled with a genuenly enjoyable talk about camera behavior.
Yeah well we still landed on the moon.
Did that thing ever fly? It looks like it shouldn’t be able to.
Like anything else of Russian origin, you get what you pay for.
That was the *best* use of Hall of the Mountain King I’ve heard in a *long* time. Oh and great job talking about the car too ;) With this as the lead video for Jason Drives I am SO looking forward to more!
they’re just trolling us with their troller. I’ve wanted one for so long though.
1st: This is going to be bad for VW — and diesels in general. Here’s why: When the GM ignition switch shit storm hit the media, everyone, from the government, to the media, to those directly affected by the defective switch, have been frustrated by the lack of identification of a person or group directly responsible.…
nothing screams 'Mercia like 75 feet per gallon