Wow she looks amazing in that! I couldn’t get past thinking it looks like she is wearing a very large pampers for the boots though tbh
Wow she looks amazing in that! I couldn’t get past thinking it looks like she is wearing a very large pampers for the boots though tbh
Arguably the porn company just did it for the lolz
10/10 would vote for this guy over the GOP field.
Fuck yes. I loved this game on my Vita before it met its tragic end. I’ll be buying the shit out of this later.
I have to admit, the debates have actually left me pretty impressed with him. I feel like if he had like 35% or so in the polls I would go for him, but with the consistent <5%....yeah not happening.
Now that you mention it, she kind of looks like she’s holding a video game controller and isn’t quite sure what to do with it so she’s concentrating intently on hitting the right buttons...
When I bought my tickets with my cousin we decided we weren’t going to deal with that bullshit so we manually filled out the cards so that we got two of every powerball and the rest random. We *will* win $8 of our $104 back dammit.
So if I made it to the store alive I’ve already beat worse odds once and should stock up!!
I put three pictures in and all of them came out as “ok”. Pardon me while I go be depressed in a corner.
That Volt actually looks really nice, like something I would drive.
That side profile looks nice. Hopefully they’ll release more later.
So Nevada's the next place to trade horrible location for high wages?
How have I never seen this.
I’ve always thought the N1 was a gorgeous rocket myself.
Pretty sure it takes the TSA 7 hours to do anything. Sure feels like it at least.
It’s working then! This rework sets her back in time to when she wasn’t as mature a warrior as she was previously. She’s just a yordle on a mission.
You are not invincible.
He is pretty obviously HoTS->League->DOTA. Coincidentally, that’s also supposed to be the order of ease of starting. HoTS is easiest to pick up, DOTA is the most complicated, and league is somewhere in between. I know personally it is hard to get into league until you’re level 30 amd have runes, (which is already a…
I think it varies a lot based on what champion you play in what role. Last night I played Morgana mid four games and noted the times. It was from 17s to 3:29 which is fairly quick. (not going to lie that 17s queue was unexpected)