As a LOL player I would like that. I almost never see anything DOTA and I’m curious
As a LOL player I would like that. I almost never see anything DOTA and I’m curious
Brand mains be like “nah I just want the kills”
I literally do the same thing when he posts a HoTS or DOTA video. I’m like so that one has Karthus’ ultimate paired with Kindred’s Q...okay now I can watch it again to understand the play.
Oh it’s not that bad. I’ve been queuing mid 1-2 minutes all month.
Lol you’re cute. We cclearly haven’t been hanging out with engineers who have had their souls broken by being forced to design a non-optimal object in the name of some arbitrary concept stealth/beauty/”harmony with nature”/etc.
Careful what you wish for. A certain Rioter might rework Annie in the mage update and make Tibbers AA and damage scale with Annie’s. Then the AD Annies would come out of the woodwork and rekt you with 2s stuns and crits.
I’ve been laying down the smackdown with deathfire Morgana against all the Yasuobros. Free lane after 6. I almost feel bad for them. Then I don’t.
“The connection between this roundworm and increased fertility is, of course, far too tenuous for anyone to reasonably go worm hunting a la Maria Callas.”
Ooh also sona. I played 5 sona vs 5 shaco and we destroyed them. The heals and aoe damage OP.
I wonder if the new Chicago servers will encourage Canadian growth and participation.
If you haven’t played a Morgana game yet I’d highly recommend it. And lux. And Yasuo and Tahm. Seriously brokenaf.
Yeah because people mindlessly build her hourglass->deathcap->nomicon.
Oddly enough her mid winrate is much higher than her support winrate. People just don’t play her there for reasons I guess.
You are almost level 30. There is more than enough time for you to get to gold if you would just stop playing HoTS for a week or two. One of my friends went from unranked to diamond 3 in less than a month. As it is, you’re just giving up on League without even trying.
It could work - I’m sure people will try it in 5.20. But you won’t get as many stacks because you won’t get to kill the monsters Wolf marks, and you will lose the global presence of your passive since the enemy laners know where you are. Also is it just me or does Lamb have an extremely short range for an adc?
Every time I see Kindred I think “wow, cool!” in the same way that I think that when I see bard. But then I remember that there are broken junglers like Xin and Yi who will twoshot kindred, and I suspect that she will be a fun chanpion that really isn’t viable for the role she was designed (jungle)...just like bard.
If you have one of these you have a car port or garage - you don’t want to charge an electric car in the weather after all.
Stand up to play LOL? What is this, a torture device? Stand another hour...don’t play...stand another hour...oh screw it I’ll stand.
This is seriously making me consider doing this. Why ruin such a good thing? Yes there are wait times. But I would 1000x rather wait and get the role I want with the champion I want than queue up and get stuck in a secondary role I HATE or have my champion banned and have to play one I HATE.
Fuck this and fuck whoever thought this would be better than regular team builder. Fine do this in ranked. Don’t ruin the advantages of team builder in unranked. Team builder is a fun game mode the way it is. I play one champion. In one role. My friends do the same thing. And we do it in team builder so we are sure to…