Wait really? That sucks. I love team builder the way it is right now and mirror matches are fun.
Wait really? That sucks. I love team builder the way it is right now and mirror matches are fun.
I love my Morg chroma. Would love it more if it was an achievement based on mastery since I have 475k with her, but I love it just the same even if I did pay for it.
You’re like level 27 last I checked. Get to level 30, go play ranked, and you will find the reports and toxicity. Just last night I was flamed and reported by someone on my team for feeding. I was playing support for a Vayne that built a Static Shiv first. Sacrificing myself to keep Vayne alive because she itemized…
In his own videos he says things like “fuck you” and is toxic to teammates. He very likely deserved his ban.
Hello Brand. As a side note, I was disappointed to discover you haven’t reached level 30 in league. Did you stop playing it?
There is a thread on the board about how zed looks like a turtle. The resemblance is uncanny.
Came here to say this. Still have my ‘94. Still love the hell out of it.
Yes pretty much. They share similar ults, although as someone else mentioned, diablo’s is handicapped by being dodgable.
My ping went from 40 to 75 on my cousin’s good internet and from 68 to 98 on my shitty internet. And lag spikes easily spike it to 200+.
Ha! Well that’s just embarassing for this person then.
All I got out of this is that Diablo is Karthus. And dancing in HoTS is way more interesting than in LOL.
Three out of four of the games I played yesterday had at least one DC, it isn’t just you.
I played four games yesterday. I am probably an outlier, as I use my T-mobile phone for my internet connection. I am based out of Southern California. Suprisingly, my ping didn’t change much. I used to play on a fairly stable (for phone LTE) 78ms ping. Now it is up to about 94 ms. Much more worrying though was that…
Literally any post about a good “ride” in the casual encounters section.
After the Gangplank barrels detonate Teemo appears, right? They are summoning satan after all.
I present to you the Ford Probe for $600:
Yes. A student at my school did this when the school got fed up with him not paying for parking. He got expelled after the police charged him with a felony for it. I want to say it was for endangering the tow truck operator who was next to the vehicle at the time. Parking at my school was $48 a year.
I made a joke about owning a ferarri on jalopnik once (it was a hotwheel) and got 100+ stars. It wasn't even good. Meanwhile my better comments all languish in the grey.
I started playing in November, and I've spent about $500 on it so far. I wanted Exiled Morgana, and the only way to get her is a mystery gift. So I gifted $400 of RP to a friend of mine and she gifted me mystery gifts until I got her. I had quite a few champions, so we spent about $380 of it. I swear Riot knew which…
In addition to the other answers, most of these have an autorotation requirement which I suspect would be more difficult to meet with a ducted fan.