
Donny Two Scoops! I literally peed a bit... Thank you.

Yeah, because holding a blaster bolt in mid-air for a few minutes while conducting an interrogation, without even looking at it, is totally amateur, right? Sheesh...

Marry me.

Your comment is very high-quality kinja. Please comment on SW more often.

Star Wars has traditionally had a rocky relationship with trying to market cuteness. It seems like every time they try to make something adorable, it doesn’t work.”

YOU GET ALL MY STARS! That is literally the exact same way I have described Nightvale for years... :) xo

LISTEN TO NIGHTVALE!!!! :) But only the first 30 or so eps. After that, they run out of ideas, and it goes completely off the rails. But the first few-dozen eps are AMAZING PURE GOLD!

Hipsters are like bad drivers: Everyone agrees that they do exist, but nobody ever believes that they are one... :) lol

I’m pretty sure that Nintendo is watching these threads very closely, in order to determine how many SNES Classics they should produce. (And if they determine X, they’ll definitely produce X-1 million...)

Jesus, at least have the decency to type ‘Final Fantasy VI’...

As a SW fan, I’m curious how you feel about Marvel pooping out seven new mediocre films per year with all the same characters and plots.

Seriously? That was one of the worst films I’ve seen in a long time. So utterly contrived, predictable, and derivative. His comedy is GREAT! But that film was complete garbage...

I disagree with and reject each of your list’s items.

But WHYYYYY???? It’s an objectively bad film. Why does everyone love it??? Help me understand...

Did you forget your pills today??

WHY DO PEOPLE THINK THIS??? I hated it... And I mostly love the films others love, and mostly hate the films others hate. But I have never understood why people like Spiderman 2. Everything about it was extremely cheesy and poorly-executed...

No. Wrong.

Go away. Nobody cares.

I apologize that you’re having so much trouble keeping up. But it’s not my job to educate you. Also, there’s no such thing as an iWatch.