
Why would you post this obviously-fake story as if it were even remotely true??

I live in Minneapolis, and am close friends with a few people who work in game development at FF. They (the company) totally fuck over their content producers quite regularly. Some seriously shady shit goes down there...

How the hell do you get them to fit in your ear properly? I’ve had numerous other earbuds before, so I’m not new at this. I tried all the different sizes of tips, and experimented for a really long time with different angles and placements. Literally nothing worked. I don’t think my ears are weird, since I’ve never

How the hell do you get them to fit in your ear properly? I’ve had numerous other earbuds before, so I’m not new at

You better shut your mouth or I’m gonna fuck it, because STAR WHORES was easily the best part of that film...

Nobody is getting mad over “people talking about it”, you stupid fucking pancake. The title is a big spoiler. There’s absolutely no reason it needed to be. You know this, but you’re choosing to be an asshole on purpose...

You have very bad taste. Stop commenting.

This is some extremely weak trolling. 1/10. Troll better next time.

You’re right, let’s dumb down everything to the lowest common denominator, so that all the mouth-breathers don’t have to think very hard. Good plan. Murika.

It is what she signed up for. Fuck her.

“...Hollywood, not Mary Shelley, chose to make him sound like a caveman.”

You’re absolutely defending her. Passionately. Who do you think you’re kidding??

Jeez, nobody is rationalizing Matthews’ horrible remarks. We all agree that he’s a major sleaze. But what nobody understands is why you’re defending the Trumps so passionately.

If you ever set foot in a library, you’d know that Frankenstein’s monster was actually quite articulate and well-spoken... Hollywood chose to make him sound like a caveman, not Mary Shelley.

Waitwaitwait — Did you actually think there was even a remote possibility that he’d remain “dead”? Like, you thought that was possible?? Honestly?

BCS is so much better than BB ever was...

No, that’s not even remotely accurate. Have you ever been near a lady’s nether-parts? Women have vaginas and buttholes. There’s no grundle, taint, choad, or whatever else you’d like to call it. There’s a pussy, and a brownstar. That’s about it. (And the pee-spout up front, of course.)

Now playing

The people who are pissed simply don’t understand how the film industry operates. This guy’s hair is ludicrous, but his explainer is spot-on:

I don’t understand what this article has to do with Harvey Keitel cosplaying as Gallagher...