And by the look of things, he’s also got another $15 glued onto the hood.
And by the look of things, he’s also got another $15 glued onto the hood.
Don’t do it! He’s got $150 under that hood!
My experience working in a DOD lab aligns with yours.
I bid a military contract back in 2019. It was to remodel a school on an “area 51" base so they could build a new hi tech laboratory: Scientists needed somewhere to science in the meantime.
But was it the SC430 or the “convertible in winter” thing that got them staring?
Agreed! I test drove a Lexus SC430 with the top down recently on a 30 degree day here in Chicago (and yes, it was a windy 30) and it was a fricking blast! Exhilarating, fast and got the adrenaline going... kind of like skiing, but way more fun and safer. And the looks from my fellow motorists was an added bonus.
I regret to inform you that your list of Tesla models to avoid is woefully incomplete.
A convertible with heated seats/steering wheel makes winter the BEST time for open-air driving.
Ironic that the only detail he will have gotten wrong is the relative commonality of V8 engines...
And you know what’s worst about Orwell being right? He was a terrible writer and his dystopian future was both boring and stupid. I mean for fuck’s sake, the world of Mad Max has more nuance and complexity than the world of 1984.
George Orwell is looking more and more prophetic every day.
I had the same thought.
These people will only be happy if it’s Creed playing again.
That noise you’re hearing is the sound of every NRA exec finally achieving an erection, having finally found an actual “good guy with a gun” story to crow about.
The Red-Hats are about to learn how much easier and faster it is to squander the good-will of strangers than it is to earn said good-will in the first place.
I can’t wait for companies like Ferrari and Lamborghini to use these data to justify NOT building EVs.
What we need to do here is some misdirection. We can probably harness his ire for anything bearing the prefix trans into doing some real good for people. Just slap that prefix on actual problems, even if it doesn’t make sense. Start the Orange Idiot talking about trans-fats and see what we can do for people’s diets.
Thankfully our government is worried about immigrants and trans people, so we can lose our shit to China in yet another technology race.
When in doubt, go with the Holy Trinity