The Aston I drove had the button in the location where they eventually put the “fob insertion point.” I think I just imagined a second starting button out of thin air. That “knowledge” was derived *ex recto* as I am fond of saying.
The Aston I drove had the button in the location where they eventually put the “fob insertion point.” I think I just imagined a second starting button out of thin air. That “knowledge” was derived *ex recto* as I am fond of saying.
I’m curious if these devices restrict/modify exhaust flow to such an extent that the car actually becomes 40 watts less efficient.
Of course not. Just look at the long list of white men who have built a world where only white men are able to even become qualified to run things.
Right? And you’d think that, given mountains of evidence on both sides of the value equation, that an organization who wants to generate value (or even just compete effectively) would hire a team that is best able to do that. And that means diversity.
This is actually correct. I forgot that they integrated the fob slot and button push into a single thing.
With study after study after study showing that heterogenous groups of people make better decisions, and a similar number of studies showing that homogeneous groups make worse decisions, it should be quite obvious that having diversity in any workforce is a recipe for success.
Personally, I’d kinda like to see the world’s 5th largest economy declare it’s independence.
The first lesson any cult initiate learns is that questioning the leader is the only actual unforgivable sin.
I dunno, the Aston Martin thing where you jam the whole fob into a slot in the dash before you press the big, red button feels *pretty James Bond* if you’re keeping score. I defy anyone to execute that startup sequence for the first time and tell me they didn't hear their favorite Bond soundtrack time in their head.
And by the look of things, he’s also got another $15 glued onto the hood.
100 years? Aren’t you ever the optimist?!
Pause, take a breath, and have some patience next time you start the odyssey home from Target.
I was going to say the same thing. You can’t gerrymander votes for the Senate.
Bunch of beta babies, or something of the sort.
My experience working in a DOD lab aligns with yours.
I mean, sure, you could hurt yourself getting into the thing. And you could get hurt when the thing falls apart just going down the road. And you could get hurt when the thing “self drives” into something.
I’m willing to bet that this “EV Tax” will fall afoul of the very same court decision that rendered the Individual Mandate of the ACA invalid.
This is the way.