Give Me Tacos or Give Me Death

They are objectively below mean and median new car prices. So... yes, those “efficient” cars are cheaper than the “average” car.

The irony of the Fascism-Curious suddenly caring about hate crimes is delicious.

As far as we know, the first recorded “National FAFO Situation” in human history was Sumer-Elam War. The Elamites got uppity with the Sumerians, so Enembaragesi, the king of Kish, led the Sumerian army right the hell into the larger Elamite empire and fuckin’ wrecked their shit.

Magic 8 Ball says:

I suppose I must grudgingly hand it to the Dipshit Tech Bros. They are certainly causing that “disruption” they’re always crowing about.

I don’t know if you meant “fossil fuel INdependence” instead of “dependence,” but I think your way is much funnier, intentional or not!

I mean, if you don’t do any research, one could imagine that you might be correct. But the Prius, the Efficient Car Poster Boy, is well below both mean and median new car prices. So are the Accord Hybrid, Civic Hybrid, Camry Hybrid, Corolla Hybrid. All with 50+ MPG. The efficient cars are absolutely not more expensive

I wish these things could be a little less visible.  I mean, my eyes hurt whenever one is nearby.


I’m not saying you’re wrong. I’m saying this country is deeply troubled.

Hey Red-Hat Dipshit Tech Bros: Increased fuel efficiency plus lower fuel prices is called “synergy!” I hear you dudes are all about that shit, yeah?

Hey Red-Hat dipshits! Know what would be a great way to keep costs for working folks down?

If I was a human, I wouldn’t want anything that could conceivably be called “rudimentary” placed in charge of my wellbeing.

Okay, but they gotta pay extra for that.

Is this one of those Connecticut Towns where people are too rich to experience consequences?

This is a situation that calls for... 

Good Lord, imagine what could have happened if these things were driving around in Philly?!

I became an ACLU donor the day after the Roe decision was leaked.

Tesla isn’t a car company, nor is it a tech company, nor is it an AI or Robotics company.