Give Me Tacos or Give Me Death

This abuse of the future tense is unacceptable, good sir or madam!

dOnT yOu MeaN iT is an aI aND RoBOTicS ComPANy?!?!

Let's make it happen.

First Gear: Never forget that the asshole oligarchs can only exist because of the rest of us. We buy the shit they shovel, and there are plenty of other shit-purveyors to go around.

Well that is a very different situation, and I retract my statement. I thought that was part of a stage or something.

We do still get some of the weirder sodas here. Cheerwine, RC Cola, and Squirt (worst name ever?) are all still available here in Durham.

130% with you, good sir or madam!  It still amazes me how close they’ll let you get to some types of races.  Hell, there are always riders taken down by “fans” at the Tour de France pretty much every year.

I regret to inform us both that Yakov Smirnoff is... 74 years old, apparently.

Just realizing I had my original statement backwards by accident. The airplane can generally handle much higher G-forces than the pilot.  But the direction of the G-forces matters more to the pilot than it probably does to the plane.

Today I learned that there are non-standard varieties of Fresca... but not in my jurisdiction.  Sad times!

The people who call all fizzy sugar-water drinks “Coke” are the absolute worst of the bunch.  This is a scientific fact.


In some directions, very much so. You can survive [forward, backward, and sideways] G-forces that are much greater than those that would kill you in the vertical directions. Dr. John Stapp, surgeon and all-around badass, did a ton of research on what extreme G-forces do to (his own) human body. And humans have

Any automaker looking to establish a foothold in the US market needs to take a D-Day approach. They need all the pieces in place before making landfall. You need at least a Sedan, a Crossover, and a Full-Size SUV. A smallish car would help as well. You’ll never make it with some pieces in place and a promise that the

Let me guess... then the cop got promoted?

Whoever thought the term "badassador" was a good idea is immediately disqualified from being one.

Boy, it’s a good thing those tire pressures are all equalized. We all know what can happen if one’s tire pressures are even as little as 1.5 PSI off the mark.

Says even more that there are *only two* of them.

“Ladies and gentleman of the jury, the bite was clearly done... with teeth. And you can clearly see the defendant... has teeth. I rest my case

Well, it’s cold up there, so at least you’ll be on the rare side, rather than the “badly overcooked” state we have set ourselves up for...