Give Me Tacos or Give Me Death

That’s true, I will give you that. And I am someone who generally loathes prequels, because I can never get into the story. I couldn’t care what happens to Anakin, because he *must* become Darth Vader. I don’t care about Padme, because the *must* die at the appointed time. Knowing the eventual outcome nullifies the

No, it's *your very own* Disney ride. That's SO much better

South Park has done some gross episodes, but I think *that* episode takes the cake.

I believe you just described how the following things were invented:

I assume so. But I mean, if the suit isn’t at least as veiny as the... vehicle(?), I think it would all be for naught, right?

He could make sure that some of the debris field, potentially including his remains, reaches the Mars gravity well. I think that’s close enough.

Star Wars died the day Greedo shot first.

He got drunk, he saw one of these things, and he had a fateful idea. In that order.

The B’s in BB-8 stand for “Big Ball.” The 8 is a measurement. I’ll leave it to you to figure out exactly what is being measured, and what the units of said measurement actually are.

This is the coolest damn thing I’ve ever seen. All the more so because it’s so utterly pointless. I don’t care if the thing is incapable of having any sort of meaningful purpose. Or brakes. It’s a bike that goes sideways (and could probably spin in circles!), and my inner five-year-old doesn’t care about anything

There have been times in my life, and I feel they are occurring with ever-greater regularity, that I realize...

Interesting! I‘ve always wanted to see an F1 race in person. And I work in a hospital, so I can procure a bone saw no problem...

Right? I understand what “looking at boobs” means, but he clearly said he was looking at “boobs and” whatnot. That’s two categories of things.

What’s the penalty for chopping up journalists?

I mean, Kitty Hawk is here in NC. You don’t call Ohio the “home of the light bulb” just because Thomas Edison happened to live there for a bit before he moved to New Jersey and conned Nikola Tesla into solving his problems. I mean, Ohio probably wants to do that, but wanting it doesn’t make it true, no matter how hard

There is nothing in the known universe that could make me want to live in Ohio.

Part of the problem is that they think Toyota is the one selling them their Camry. But it isn’t, it is a US-based corporate entity. That US-based entity both buys the imported goods from the manufacturer at wholesale price AND pays the tariff to the US government. The tariff makes each imported item cost the importer

To be fair (and I do NOT believe one needs to be fair to Elmo or Tesla at this point), Canada is also flirting with the far-right. That should be worrying to us over here, as their largest trading partner. But insofar as Tesla is concerned, it could be thinking that there are a lot of MAGA-equivalent dipshits in

Tell me you don’t understand how math works without telling me you don’t understand how math works.

I’m originally from Michigan, but have lived in the south for decades. I learned to avoid all “what do you call fizzy sugar water drinks” issues by just calling things by their given names. Diet Coke, Dr Pepper, even Fresca (don’t laugh, they still make it!) just get called what they are.