Give Me Tacos or Give Me Death

Somebody put that GIF of the engineers shaking the rocket to a beat.

It isn’t a metaphor for the future. It isn’t even our actual future. It is our present.

The Tesla Roadster looks better!  

Good thinking. Still doesn’t solve the “making replacement blood requires water (and protein, etc) issue, but does solve the blood draw issue. 

Good lord he is a douchecannon.

Guessing he also signed a law dictating the results of said study.

It's time to finish what General Sherman started.

It’s either:

I’m genuinely curious about the logistics of drawing blood in space, let alone on another planet. Getting a trained person there wouldn’t be the hard part. Getting the sort of equipment you need to safely draw blood would be tough, since it needs to be sterile, and it’s generally not re-usable. Plus the challenges of

Since nobody else wants to say it... I will. The astronauts need liquid to make Martian Bricks. But they will NOT be using blood. They are using their blood for astronaut stuff, and they don’t generate it fast enough to be useful. But they will be generating *another* liquid in even higher quantities...

You are a true artist.

This reminds me of the time I saw a liquid nitrogen tank that had had it’s pressure relief valve break. It happens, and you replace them. But on *this* tank...

Generating more energy than required to produce it would reduce entropy. Second law violation.

To be faaaaaaaaaair...

Well aren't you quite the jerkoff.

If you figure out how to generate more power from the motion of the wheels than the amount of power it takes to get those wheels to move, you will win a Nobel Prize and become fabulously wealthy.

I would pay good money to watch that episode.

But definitely not enough to show up to his court dates. Now that's what you call ironic, eh?

This is a quality take. Preach the good word.