Give Me Tacos or Give Me Death

Brave! But also hard to argue with!

Dark horse theory: Honda has secretly hired Carlos Ghosn so he can continue his campaign to destroy Nissan from the inside.

To be fair, the renovations are slated to cost, what, $1.6 billion? The buildings need work.

Just point the thing backwards and launch yourself toward a *very dangerous* land speed record!

It has certainly damaged the institution of journalism and blurred the line between the news room and the Op/Ed pieces. Also undermined experts of every stripe, because one talking head can contain a wealth of actual, expert knowledge, but the 24-hour network format requires someone else to say “NUH UH!” And they both

This is real dumb. These people are seeing planes and stars. Congratulations, Ronald Reagan, your legacy of stupidity is very much intact.

Business as usual?

Right? You can just leave a car unattended in the garage for days at a time and the police don’t even bat an eye.

If you put one of those on a car, the recoil force would rocket the car backwards at fairly high velocity, no matter what else you were doing at the time.

CEOs misinterpret their role. They're there to sell the company's vision to investors. Being good at that makes for a good CEO. But being good at that has very little to do with *crafting* a vision that people want to buy into.

Your argument is unassailable.

Counterpoint: Electric cars don’t go brrrrrr.

Not quite so much as him.

This needs a thousand more stars.

Wait for it.

You just described the recent history of democratic presidents, fairly succinctly.

But the cars built then are far, far worse than those built today, and were replaced more often.

I’m out on the street, that’s where we were supposed to meet.  

You would be astounded on (sic) how tough and capable the truck is.