Actually all presidential debates are split screen. But in this case, it was pure magic. It was like watching a mom with a patient but meaningful raised eyebrow waiting for her toddler to wind down after a sugar high.
Many people are saying Trump is probably addicted to uppers. Educated people, great people. You tell me.
“That’s a bitch-ass OBGYN, everybody knows that. I noticed he walked right out of the room after he blind sided me with that spank, cause he knew what was coming for him. I don’t really care though. He’s barely a real doctor anyway.”
I would like to believe this....but I don’t.
I agree. This election has revealed that our media establishment simply isn’t equipped to deal with a low-rent scam artist and inveterate liar like Trump.
Doesn’t the article already answer this question?
only ask for the same in return.
I didn’t realize there are that many men in America who don’t have mothers or sisters or daughters or wives or girlfriends or aunts or grandmothers or female cousins or female friends. But I guess it’s a huge demographic if Trump is going to win.
Souter is retired, bebe. 50% in Civics class is still a fail :(
he is lying to you. He lies. It’s his thing. He just wants to get your votes. He will no more be able to make American great again than he was able to make Atlantic City great again. The only person he cares about is himself. He only pays himself, not other who work for him. He’ll fuck you over too.
We know you don’t care. These ads aren’t for you they are for people who feel empathy and aren’t selfish self motivated idiots who believe a failed businessman who profits off of stepping on small businesses will help you succeed personally. Believe us we know all about why you choose trump these ads speak to those in…
Your assumption is that all Trump supporters are like you. But if every Trump supporter was in the same demographic as you, Trump’s supporters would only make up 10% of the vote, tops. Some Trump supporters are women, some have daughters and wives, some are probably just like you and don’t concern themselves with…
dude couldn’t even turn a profit on a casino.
“We are coming”
If this is what your religion teaches / preaches, your religion sucks.
Of they say it automatically, because that’s how they were taught to react. These are not bright people and they are constantly told that everyone is trying to kill them, all the time. And that, if they thought someone had a gun or was reaching, they wouldn’t get in trouble for shooting “first.”