
NFL Logic

The snark comes from the fact that she knew she was doping even if the substance hadn’t yet been banned. The drug’s manufacturer recommends that their medication be taken for, at most, 3 weeks, she’d been taking it for 520 weeks.

She said she took it to for a diabetes scares, constant battles with the flu, and magnesium deficiencies. Throw everything at the wall, Maria, and see what sticks.

The real story is no longer even remotely that this deranged, colossally ignorant, mendacious, and malicious man has somehow become the nominee of a major party. The Republican Party is nothing but a racist con job and money-laundering operation anyhow, it has been running on fumes for a generation. So yeah, whatever.

She didn’t break the mold, she appropriated the bodies of black women, and made money sexualizing it. She and her soul sucking sisters have made so much money off fake lips, fake busts, curvy figures, corn rows, weaves, and black men. The very things we are shamed and humiliated and sexualized and discriminated for,

“Well groomed” as in she was not raised to the exacting standards (of many old money WASP families in particular) to be the perfect model of an erudite, proper, lady-who-lunches. You won’t hear breathless articles in Vogue about her precipitated with flowery descriptions of her advanced degree in Insert Obscure

Yes, I think the poster’s being just a wee bit sarcastic. Kim Kardashian runs a business like Paris Hilton runs a business. There would simply be no business if Kim’s dad hadn’t defended O.J. Simpson and her mom hadn’t married one of the most famous Olympic athletes of all time.

I won’t argue for an instant the fact that she’s faced a traumatic experience, and deserves our compassion for that.

NO! The answer is I ALWAYS choose Ann over Matt!

Nashville? Ugh... fuckin’ Country can eat all the dicks.

- Tim Burton, basically.

I think his plan is to actually NOT raise taxes on the wealthiest, nor business, in hopes that their prosperity will ‘trickle down’ to the middle and lower class. (Which is why Clinton said “Trumped Up Trickle Down” economics.

Clinton was referring to a time, in the 70's, where he was forced to give up five years of tax returns as part of a lawsuit, and those are public information. He actually paid some Federal taxes in three of those years, none in the two others. So, not recent.

My freshman year I had an extremely paranoid roommate that, among other strange behaviors, had to have the blinds on the windows completely closed every time he changed because he didn’t want to risk anyone seeing him without any clothes on.

What kills me is that, meanwhile, truly poor people like me are paying. For him to also acknowledge that it was “good business” to crow over the rapid decline of the housing market in 2008, also killed me.

She got her hits in. I still can’t believe he basically conceded that he pays no Federal income tax.

It must be very hard for Ms. Clinton to balance not alienating the misogynist white males and those 400-pound 4chan trolls who aren’t voting for her anyway, as well as the white women who had their Old testament subjugation beaten into them,while also presenting a positive role model to the females who are going to

If non-whites weren’t allowed to vote, Trump wouldn’t even be a thing, as his entire candidacy is based on being a father figure to scared white people who think the dark people are getting too uppity.

Maybe the Texans will sign Jeremy Shockey’s bald eagle tattoo to fill his spot