
Thank God. Rayna, Deacon and Rayna’s kids are the worst part of the show. If the first episode of this season starts with a simple title card telling me that they “died on their way back to their home planet” I’d be fine with it.

I thought it might be “u r not red e”

I feel like Trump campaigh speeches just use a form of Madlibs.

You and your boyfriend are awesome and outside the norm :) I hope you enjoy the ring and he enjoys...the WWE ring? Sorry, couldn’t resist.

Give it up, man (or woman?). This article actually says this with a straight face:

Jericho was trained by the lesser Hart brothers at their school. Stu would have been 75 by the time Jericho started and wasn’t taking anyone to “The Dungeon” by then.

Starred for “douche goblin,” my new favorite insult. Thanks!

More often than not, anchors are hired primarily for their looks. This goes for men and women. As such, they really shold not try to speak without a teleprompter because they’re typically not equipped, mentally, for it, and this is what you end up with.

I kept waiting for Teddy Long to come out and make it A TAG TEAM MATCH, PLAYA

In the Comic-Con footage, the character has ratty hair, glasses, and looks like a typical movie nerd. Which, the actress told us at Comic-Con, is why she’s loving the role.

I was thinking this generation’s John Rocker.

Thank you! I thought I was the only one who noticed both ghouls’ striking resemblance to each other.

Wow. So there are fans of shows with nothing better to do than to fantasize that fictional characters are in relationships with each other, and then they get homicidally angry if your fantasy doesn’t match theirs? Or angry at show creators who don’t agree with their vision for fiction characters’ relationships?

Referring to a bunch of hicks whose only political concern in life is whether libruls will take away their guns a “civil rights organization” is a disgusting slap in the face to real civil rights organizations.

Just like the Amish live nearby, peacefully, in the past - imagine a society of Inverse Amish that lives nearby, peacefully, in the future. A place where Google Glass wearers are normal, where self-driving cars and delivery drones aren’t restricted by law, and where we can experiment with new technologies *without*

He said he was even willing to sign a waiver, as he had done before, promising not to export the car for three years.

In in immortal and apocryphal words of Olivier, “next time, dear boy, try acting.”

Horrible people: please do continue to use terms like “PC” and “SJW” as pejoratives. It’s makes it really easy to tell which people are just worthless sacks of shit undeserving of any further regard.

Trump’s temperament often seems borrowed from the larger-than-life bravado of a prize fighter, or even a professional wrestler, which—lest we forget—is an actual job title that Donald Trump once held.