
Thank you! I thought I was the only one who noticed both ghouls’ striking resemblance to each other.

Referring to a bunch of hicks whose only political concern in life is whether libruls will take away their guns a “civil rights organization” is a disgusting slap in the face to real civil rights organizations.

He said he was even willing to sign a waiver, as he had done before, promising not to export the car for three years.

Horrible people: please do continue to use terms like “PC” and “SJW” as pejoratives. It’s makes it really easy to tell which people are just worthless sacks of shit undeserving of any further regard.

Trump’s temperament often seems borrowed from the larger-than-life bravado of a prize fighter, or even a professional wrestler, which—lest we forget—is an actual job title that Donald Trump once held.

Only a true monster eats KFC when thee are better options, like Popeye’s, around.

When we all heard about the reshoots, did anyone think this was going to work out?

That is the hairstyle of a mna who watched Wall Street on loop, masturbating feverously, in his formative years.

So ignore them and let God judge the Gainses in the afterlife.

Word. The post lost me at “Vine stars.”

1) Funny how Kobashi’s knees were already so shot by this time that he had to take Misawa off the ropes to do the move instead of lifting him in a torture rack.

Exactly. Piracy is just the software, recording and film industries’ boogeyman they trot out when they want to raise prices, attach anti-piracy measures that screw paying customers, hinder technology, and any number of other business-unfriendly practices. Piracy is niche and doesn’t really hurt their bottom lines

They look and sound like children because that level of intense training and diet, every single day, from such a young age, holds off the onset of puberty. Miller aged 4 years in less than one year because she was finally allowed to go through puberty.

The Ballad of Gay Tony was more fun than GTA 4 and Lost & Damned.

People who have never played GTA just think it’s Hooker Murder Simulator 5000

Starred for “CAWTS” as I imagine John Voight on Ray DOnovan saying all this.


Holy shit. When you’re rich and can afford any awesome, top shelf liquor in the world, why would you still suck down Sprite, codeine & Jolly Ranchers? Fuck.

Ugh. Thanks for following up.

thirsty as a mop in a desert