
Right? I keep hoping these in-your-face open carry disphits meet a scared, trigger happy cop but it somehow never happens. I wonder why that is?

So in “didn’t work before,” what does “before” mean? The time it was accidentally available for a short time if you knew the semi-secret way to get it? If that’s the case, it’s easy to see why the extras didn’t work.

Maryland liquor laws differ by county, which is utter garbage. I’ve lived in Baltimore County (one stop shopping but closed on Sundays) and Montgomery County (cold beer and wine — no liquor — in independent stores, liquor, wine and warm beer in County-run stores). I also lived in a town that straddled the border

Just tell them that the “too” at the end is implied.

Oh “EDM.” Remember when great producers made music and talented DJs played it at clubs? Now fame whore DJs pay unknowns to make tracks for them, then slap their names on it. Then the few producers that still had big names decided they didn’t want DJs getting all the fame, so they magically became DJs overnight (insert

Was Phelps’ insufferable mother there mugging for the camera?

Yep. Somehow the best storage option for guns is “loaded, tossed willy-nilly into a duffel bag.”

Went to his show when he was touring with Timbaland, and his band was black, his singers were black.

Seriously. Dude was in the Mickey Mouse Club and NSYNC. There’s no way to just ignore that shit.

Goldstein took the software giant to court, seeking compensation for lost wages and the cost of a new computer.

I’m sure Hobby Lobby or another like-minded bigoted shitbird of a company would be happy to have her.

Without YouTube, and YouTube covers of other artists’s songs, we wouldn’t have Justin Bieber.

I hope Wil’s not patting himself on the back too much for this bout of introspection. He did just recently make After Earth.

Seriously, somebody get this guy a Venn diagram.

Maybe it’s a Didier Sachs t-shirt.

Haven’t we breached Peak Beard yet? Is Kratos a hipster or Crossfitter here?

I’ve said it here before and it bears repeating: I’ve been drunk and/or high many many times and have never felt the need to rape anyone or yell racial slurs. What am I doing wrong?

If you’re critical of any war, you don’t “support our troops” and thus are on the side of the enemy. Nice to see some things never change.

Yeah, she was just awful. Just stupid writing, really. She went from being a gawky kid who was desperate for her parents to get together to a spray-tanned orange brat who wanted nothing to do with them. I swear the writers of the show had a random plot generator.

Right there with you. Rayna and Deacon were the worst parts of the show. Well, them and Maddie. Rayna has always been awful, a spoiled narcissist who made every single thing all about her. I’m not sure how she was supposed to be the protagonist of the show but I fully agree that, if Nashville is renewed and the next