
That’s why I think airshows are sucha dumb idea. These aren’t monster trucks and shouldn’t be treated as such.

We have also been advised that the backpack contained a zip drive

Don’t let one story of a dumb mishap deter you from contacts for good. I wore contacts for years before getting Lasik and never accidentally removed a chunk of my eye.

LOL that was my first thought when I read the headline: “Kenny Omega’s been doing it for YEARS!”

Give it time. The line will lose thier smiles and walk out.

Asking these special snowflakes to register properly and on time, update their contact info, and SHOW UP FOR THE EVENT is unfair and in need of change? okay.

From the big plans with no clue how to execute them, right down the the overzealous lunatic folowing, he is exactly the democratic Trump.

64 Sanders delegates at the convention were disqualified, according to the state party, either because they failed to show up, failed to register as Democrats by May 1, or because they didn’t respond to attempts to confirm their phone numbers or addresses

Please post a pic of yourself, thanks

Snake’s just getting ready to do some fly fishing, that’s all.


Wow, her anchor really made a fool of her. The station is playing it off as “all in good fun” this morning and Chan is playing along. Of course she is. She’s a lowly weekend weather person working in the #1 or 2 market in the country; it’s an enviable job in a packed profession and speaking out would be career suicide.

Calling it now. Bikini and fishnets. But don’t call it sexist because when the real reason comes out, you’ll be sorry.

It definitely takes a great deal of acting talent for a soft art school kid to portray a gangbanger for years. That’s dedication to his craft!

Brave kid. He should seriously move out of Frederick, though. People who think rednecks are a purely southern thing have never been to rural Maryland.

“Defend” = go fight in a totally different country based on bullshit intel. Sure.

I like seeing UFC guys in suits. Every single one looks like a landscaper with a court date.

“Missing and presumed dead” should be there, eventually, hopefully

Seriously. I’m over 40 and I’m an IT manager. How did I get here?