Libertarian cognitive dissonance is amazing. When your whole ideology is “down with big government” and your standard bearer is a career politician, there’s something wrong.
The happy medium between beach towels and tiny, useless bath towels is the “bath sheet.” It’s essentially a huge towel, close enough to a beach towel, but designed like your regular towels so they match everything else. The towel section of your local Target or whatever will have them.
Well CTE would definitely explain Oz and Vinnie Vegas.
“You don’t want a criminal lawyer, alright? You want a CRIMINAL lawyer.”
I don’t know about this accusation, but the horn section of Uptown Funk sounds so much like “Jungle Love” that, every time I hear it, I hope Morris Day is getting a few bucks.
He is the opposite of “lunchpail” and “scrappy” and whatever other euphemisms for “white” that the Pittsburgh fanbase likes.
I saw this headline on the news on the TV in my company’s lobby:
Not as bad as 3rd person Bioshock, which is just a pair of floating, disembodied arms.
I knew a girl who was second-generation-in America Mexican (parents were immigrants so I hope I’m saying that correctly) who was a Republican. I told her, “if your party had their way, YOU wouldn’t be here!” WTF
LOL that was my takeaway from this story, too! (and Zoe Saldana)
Can we talk for a second about home someone was paid, and probably a lot, to make that album cover? Holy shit.
The Lumineers
I doubt it
Two more and we’ll run the “Unoffensive Music for White People” Jeopardy category.
Looks like the massive team of writers, producers and vocal coaches finally got their shit together enough for our beloved RiRi to show up on the last day and drop some vocals.
Deadlifting and other useless-for-wrestling-training, macho olympic-style bullshit lifts is the reason at least 3 WWE guys have gone down with shoulder problems in the past year. It’s dumb and doubly so for a 50+ year old with that much wear and tear on him.
Of course he would.
I’m glad she got a foot in the door.